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5 Top Reasons To Pursue Home Schooling

Posted: Jun 04, 2014
There has been a misconception about home schooling. Parents feel that the traditional school pattern is the best academic solution where their children will get all they have to know about the world. The education and the teaching staff employed now a days are not in quality sync. Do you think that the home schooling students lack behind in results as compared to their public or private school peers? And if you think ‘yes’ then this paper will hopefully help you change your mind in various ways. Research has proved that home schooling students have outdone the traditional school student over all, may it be in academics, social, communication, religious or emotional benefits. Recently many parents are now realizing that the best place for is nothing like home. Parents find it hard to control the environment children are exposed to.
Learning things at your pace
Human nature is such that if a person may it be a child or adult, if forced into doing will suddenly become rebellious. Also constraints make them do the same thing. A child’s mind is like a brand new hard disc. It will record what is being feed. A child gets inspired by small things and the curiosity makes them learn things faster but at their own pace. If given their own time and space, a child often returns back from their creative adventures with a renewed focus on studies. This type of flexibility is only available in home schooling unlike traditional schools. Parents must understand the fact that by doing so children are not neglecting their education rather a connotation of saying that ‘we will do it but at our own pace’.
Teaches to learn things on your own
Practically ask a question to yourself that ‘what part of school education you use in practical life’? The answer you will come up with is basic mathematics, bit of science probably and little other things. Now imagine just to acquire that much knowledge you have to travel to school, attend roll call, then go to the respective classroom, handing and collecting material, wait for other students queries, then wait for your queries to be answered, all this for the knowledge which is never going to be used. All this time wasted could have been utilized for better things. Home schooling would not have these hassles. You could have learned better on your own and if need be there is always someone around at home willing to help. Apart from this you could take help of a teacher as and when required. Learning on your own will teach you more practical things that are useful in life.
Learning adapts to your schedule
The most important part in learning is to know where you need to speed up and where you have to be careful. You can do things according to your timings except for the exams which you have to be and give on time. In traditional school environment it is not possible. You don’t have a choice which subject you prefer to do and which later. This helps you to adapt to your home made schedule. You may work faster on the subject of your interest first and then maybe do the other subject which is rather boring and takes time to understand. Home schooling gives you a lot of time for your other outdoor activities as well. Hence you adapt to your own schedules efficiently.
It helps self starters a great deal
Another advantage of home schooling is that self learning builds confidence and boosts self esteem. The reason is that at home there are no restrictions and if one is wrong then the mistake is corrected not by punishment but by observation. More over the stress of punishment and the fear always makes a person more of a submissive type rather than confident. If you observe a child is more confident in the presence of his mother and as a toddler tends to do things to impress her which inculcates a habit that is very helpful in the future. It maybe the protection and attention a child is looking for which cannot be provided in traditional schools.
Helps to share great rapport with the tutor
In home schooling the tutor of the child is the mother. When at home, the child is constantly under watch and gets personal attention which helps in strong family bonding. The best of family values are inculcated into the child because he/she are continuously in and around the family away from external bad influences which is not the case in traditional schooling. Well it is a role of both the parents that help to correct and inculcate good skills like communication, manners, ethics, religious value, family value etc thus building a strong rapport with the tutor.
The numbers are increasing immensely and parents understand the importance of home schooling. This paper was intended to give an understanding of the advantages of home schooling to that of traditional schooling. However there can be more than a hundred reasons listed to opt for home schooling and there is no need for intensive research as it is plain logic to learn from day to day life what is best for your child.
About the Author
This article has been compiled by Evelyn, who is a writer on various academic topics.