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How search engine works and history of search engine?

Posted: Apr 11, 2019
How search engine works and history of search engine?
I have already explained what is Search engine and search engine result page. You came here to learn How a search engine works. I would like to explain to you more about the search engine.
Everything is digital in coming days and there is a huge database on the internet. Users can find out any information in the search engine. You know search engine is the main essential part in digital to search required information for users. Did you know how many times per day you are using the Google search engine? The search engine is becoming part of our daily life to use them shopping tool, learning tool, fun and also for business. You may be thing what is mean by a search engine and how a search engine works. Before that, we will understand the history of Search Engine.
History of search engineThe foundation for the search engines was laid in 1990. By the Canadian McGill University in Montreal with the search engine Archie.
The students Alan Emtage, Peter Deutsch and Bill Heelan began to program so-called search robots that combed the Internet systematically and collected information.
In November 1990, Archie V1 was born at University of Minnesota and Gopher was unveiled to the public in 1991. Largely developed by Paul Lidner and Mark P. McCahill. With him, even complex linkage search ("and", "or", "not") was possible.
Nevertheless, in 1992, Archie was one of the most widely used Internet services, though it was not able to search text but only files and folders.
By the mid-1990s, nearly every organization that had Internet access. Such as universities, but also governments had a gopher server and provided information to the general public from all areas.
With the upswing of the WWW, however, the time of the so-called Gopherspace came to an end. The cause for the decline was also the decision of the copyrighthaltenden University to charge for the commercial use of Gopher fees.
Today there are very few gopher servers left and gopher is thus largely out of use and is forgotten.
The real reasons for the departure of Archie were mainly legal problems. Which led to the fact that within a short time all Archie servers were discontinued worldwide.
WWW standard released.In 1993 the WWW standard had released for free use. The first web crawler with the name "The Wanderer" was programmed and also, the first websites were created.
"The Wanderer" Started by Mathew Gray, a Software Engineer from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) spent more than 10 years in Google.
There were already 130 websites according to the WWW standard in June 1993.
Birth of AliwebThe birth of Aliweb (Archie-Like Indexing of the Web) was in October 1993. Here, the operators of web servers had to put a description of their service in a file to become part of the Aliweb index.
In December 1993, the search engines WorldWideWeb Worm, Jumpstation and RBSE Spider came to the net. WorldWideWeb Worm and Jumpstation were crawlers that indexed websites by URL and title. RBSE Spider was the first search engine to show their results according to their own ranking system. These search engines are no longer available today.
In April 1994, another search engine went online. The search engine WebCrawler could show a hit list sorted by ranking. In 1995 she was sold to AOL, one year later to Excite.
In July 1994, the search engine Lycos, a work by Michael Mauldins, went online. The word frequency of the search terms within the web pages as well as the proximity of the search terms among each other in the document were the main criteria.
Birth of YahooIn 1994, the birth of Yahoo! (Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle). Stanford University’s Electrical Engineering students David Filo and Jerry Yang published a collection of their best web addresses in an online directory service.
In 1995, the market discovered the search engine segment. The first products of search engines with commercial orientation are created: Infoseek, Architext (later renamed Excite) and AltaVista. One year later, Inktomi Corp. whose homonymous search engine became the basis of Hotbot and other search sites.
AltaVista had until a few years still taken a large role. The "Scooter" robot developed by AltaVista was enormously powerful. So AltaVista became next to Yahoo! at the time to one of the leading Internet services of the WWW.
Developing a search engine called BackRubAlso in 1995, the two founders of Google met at Stanford University: the students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. There you start developing a search engine called BackRub.
BackRub was developed entirely by Larry Page. So only his name is immortalized in PageRank. BackRub was supported by 3 fellow students.
Surprisingly, Sergey Brin comes after Scott Hassan and Alan Steremberg only in 3rd place. Sergey has programmatically only distinguished by bug fixes, but otherwise, leave all the work to Larry and his 2 colleagues. The other two students left the project shortly afterward.
Two metasearch engines appeared in 1996: MetaCrawler from the USA and MetaGer from Germany MetaGer. Until Google’s market penetration, metasearch engines were considered to be one of the most interesting sources of information, since the search engine’s search engine mostly contained only parts of the internet. Metasearch engines forward the queries of the user in parallel to several search engines and summarize the hits formatted.
In late 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin published their innovative search engine ranking technology entitled " The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine." A little later, in September 1999, the search engine Google starts in beta status. One year later, the search engine becomes commercial.
Beta-Based GoogleBeta-Based Google already reached 10,000 searches per day. In addition, the clear user interface, the speed and the relevance of the search results offered a quality that was not available at that time, which allowed Google to attract many users.
Today, one can say that there are three major search engines on the Web, based on the number of documents entered. These are besides Google, Yahoo! Search, which was able to secure a high market share in the spring of 2003 through purchases of several search engines, and Microsoft’s MSN Search or Life Search.
What is a search engine?A search engine is a software which is used to search the information on the internet (World Wide Web) and it displays the related information in SERPs (search engine result pages). Results are a combination of Web pages, video, images, news etc.
When a user is searching for any information by entering the keywords or phrase into the search engine then it searches the relevant information in the giant database and returns to the user.
When you are thinking about a search engine in your mind comes to Google search engine. But there are different types of search engine in the world and different search engine used by different countries but most of the countries using Google.
Google search engine has more users because Google gives the user expected results and it is the most users friendly.
You may be thinking about how users are getting related information by entering keywords in the search engine through the internet. I would love to explain to you how the search engine works.
How do search engines workWhen users are searching the information on the internet by using the search engine and search engine collects all the related information from the database and shows all results in SERPs (Search engine result pages).
User type word or phrase in the search engine and get the related information. But a lot of people don’t know what is happening inside that search box when they type in their search queries.
All search engines work these three functions before showing the results to the users.
Crawling:Software such as crawlers, bots or spider is scanning the sites and fetching all the information from each page title, images, keywords, and other linked pages etc. Crawlers have the capacity to search a large range of websites and the same period of time it collects a large amount of information. Crawler visits each page as fast as possible when crawler visits a page it collects all the links then crawler visits each web page to link to the website.
Crawler does continuously and keeps the track changes done by the website. So that, crawler get to know which page is added or deleted.
Indexing:It is the process of creating an index for all the fetched web pages and stores all the information in the giant database according to the category. Indexing is a very important task to rank the website and all websites appearing on search engine result pages (SERPs) and it comes from an indexed database. If you want to rank your website in search engine and should have indexed your website by the search engine.
Serving:Serving user expected result is very important. So that search engine gives the user expected information. When users are typing keywords in the search engine. The search engine performs some action like searching the user intent keyword, searching indexed web pages related to the keyword. Ranking and returning web pages of relevance and importance.
Search engine algorithms often change but search engines work to improve their methods of giving the best result to users. These three functions will helps the search engine to give the best result to users.
CONCLUSIONSearch engines are very important to search the user with expected information. By using search engine users are getting the satisfaction results and everyone using the search engine for their queries and getting the answer.
I Hope you have understood regarding the search engine and how the search engine works. If you have found the good information in this article share with your networks and give valuable feedback on this article in the comment section. So it will help us to improve the quality content.
So Next topic I will come with what are the keywords and different types of keywords.
Source: How search engine works and history of search engine?
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