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Gen Online Payroll Software: A Complete Solution for HR Professionals

Author: Rajeev Sharma
by Rajeev Sharma
Posted: Feb 24, 2020

The Role of an HR is very crucial and when it comes to managing a large organization it becomes a hard-core challenging task. Thus, smartness is the basic requirement for such management. Thus, organizing and handling a large database of employees needs perfect strategic management.

Keeping all the above perspectives in the first place, SAG Infotech Private Limited has designed the Gen Online Payroll software (Small Business) which is the complete solution for handling all the HR-related tasks and responsibilities, thus, helping the HRs to do a complete justification for their Roles. The Gen Payroll is the best online payroll software system which is capable enough to handle all HR-related tasks, viz, salary calculations, daily attendance, investment details, contact information, personal information, leave and data management of employees and all other tasks which are HR related.

The Online Gen Payroll software is designed such that it saves time due to the accurate organization of programs and helps to improve the productivity and efficiency of the organization.

How Does HR Management Software Work?

The working of the Gen Payroll software for employee management is such that it creates a virtual connection between the HR and the employees of that particular Company who opts the software. It makes the information broadcast method easy as the HR could easily upload any new information and such notification could be easily accessed by the employees by just logging in through an individual ID.

Every employee is provided with a unique ID that is associated with their separate account. Logging in to this account, the employees could find their Account details there. They could also find their attendance and leaves take on the dashboard there. Free demo is provided and for this, the user is provided with an ID and password.

Features of Gen Online Payroll Software

The Gen Online Payroll software is designed such that it meets today’s basic requirements of the worldwide employee management framework. Below is mentioned the excellent features which are provided by Gen online Payroll Software with proficiency and exclusive for the HR management tasks.

Unique Employee ID Each and every employee is provided with a unique login ID and password for logging in to the system. Salary information at your fingertips through this platform, an employee could easily keep a check over the salary details month-wise and could keep a track of all the deductions which would be justifiable and the payslips and printouts could be downloaded easily through this platform. Attendance the monthly, as well as daily attendance details of all employees, are showcased on this platform of Gen Online Payroll along with the attendance summary and login details.

Investment The Gen Payroll commands employees as well as it acts as a better companion as it furnishes and maintains various details of the employees such as insurance, mutual funds, and house rent. The information saved on this platform is downloadable and proves to be useful while filing the returns. leaves the Gen Online Payroll software is a data management software that assists in applying for paid leaves and leaves without pay also the software is efficient enough to check the closing balance of leaves. ClaimAny sort of reimbursements such as conveyance bill and food bill could be claimed through this software. The scanned bill voucher could also be attached by the employee as a valid proof.

Download The Miscellaneous Details

The employees having payroll account could download the computation of salary, annual salary certificate, form 16, 16AA and 12BA. Easily upload the facility from the software. The feature of easy upload allows employees to upload the details of salary, attendance, and investment from desktop software, etc, directly. For any changes made in this field are directly reported to the Employer through an email.

Live GPS Tracking (Only With App)

If the employees’ meeting is affixed with an assigned client then the company could easily trace the employee’s location. This feature boosts up the marketing of any Company and thus is very efficient. Admin Panel (Only With App)With this feature, the company could manage, allocate, and watch a database of employees’ everyday market activities.

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Author: Rajeev Sharma

Rajeev Sharma

Member since: Apr 25, 2019
Published articles: 1