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What Are The Future Technologies In Trucking Industry

Author: James Spurt
by James Spurt
Posted: May 11, 2019

Technology has transformed the way trucking companies deliver their loads. Because, it is not just about speed, money and lives are also saved because of advanced tech. Technology has led to many innovations and these smart solutions and analytics have created a more efficient supply chain. This has resulted in the effective management of goods and reduced losses. Let's discuss some future technologies that will lead to more HR truck driving jobs in Sydney.

Electric vehicles

You must have experienced the frenzy surrounding electric vehicles. Technology has made it a reality. Today, many truck companies are actively developing the trucks of the future. Electric trucks will not only save the huge costs involved in the fuel, but they will also be very effective in reducing pollution.

Autonomous trucks

This is no longer gossip. The automotive technology is in its advanced stage now. Tesla is leading the pack in developing self-drive trucks. This latest technology has been extensively acknowledged by companies as this will result in better safety and more efficiency. Many well-known companies like Daimler and Volkswagon have also joined the race to develop a fully automotive truck.

Platooning of trucks

The trucks of the future will also need precise driving systems. A driving system allows a large fleet of trucks to arrange and drive in a formation. These large formations are controlled by smart computers, which constantly communicate with each other and ensure that the trucks follow each other in the fleet.

Internet of things (IoT)

This technology is going to have a huge impact on the trucking industry. IoT enables real-time location tracking, effective fleet management, superior environment sensing, eco-friendly transportation and a better balance between supply and demand.

IoT builds a chain/network of various devices, appliances and vehicles, which can provide real-time data and information. For example, the network of different sensors mounted on a truck can effectively monitor every single thing from load stability to tire pressure.

Data is everything

The correlation between the data network and effective cargo delivery should never be underestimated. After all, real-time location tracking and data analysis are indeed revolutionalizing the entire supply chain.

The advancements in technology can take attention away from truck drivers. But truck drivers are an integral factor of the trucking industry. There is nothing more intelligent than human intelligence. Technology will never be able to completely replace a human mind. The trucking industry still has a lot of HR truck driver jobs Sydney. For the best HR driver jobs Sydney, visit us at


Technology has led to many innovations and these smart solutions and analytics have created a more efficient supply chain. This has resulted in the effective management of goods and reduced losses.

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Author: James Spurt

James Spurt

Member since: Aug 26, 2015
Published articles: 34

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