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7 Features Community Apps Should Have

Author: Alex Joseph
by Alex Joseph
Posted: May 12, 2019

Like-minded individuals find sharing their ideas, thoughts or pain points a pleasant experience. This led to the rise of uncountable groups and communities all over the internet. One of the biggest reason for the immense popularity of social networking websites is people with common interests love to connect with each other. By 2020 the total number of social media users will reach 2.985 billion as per the reports by Gartner statistics.

Whether it is a community for work, running a non-profit organization or a fan club, the members must feel engaged. If you haven’t created an app yet hire an android mobile app development to design an app for your community.

Here are seven necessary features you must have in your community mobile app -

News - What is happening in the community? Are you throwing a get-together? Organizing a contest? To create excitement among the members a news feed is needed. Through the newsfeed, you can post the details of the recent activities, upcoming events or any achievement a member has made. If your community focused on a large number of areas (ex. Churches), you can bifurcate them into categories so that people don’t have to go through the new they aren’t interested in reading.

Private Messaging - Although the members can discuss their problems, ask for advice or suggestions in the community platform itself, sometimes they might want to communicate a message to a particular member. A messenger is vital for a one-on-one conversation. When you need to speak to someone privately without exchanging phone numbers, community messaging is of great help. Further, the messenger within your community app stops the user from switching between your app to others.

Inbuilt payment - A payment gateway is required in case the community members are promoting merchandise, paying the monthly subscription or crowdfunding money to support a good cause. Incorporating the online payment systems such as Paypal, Google Pay, etc. can encourage the members to quickly restart their subscription & increasing the revenue generated from the app. For robust security features, hire the best android app development company in your location.

Event Planning Tools - Planning, scheduling, inviting, keeping the track of attendees- these four steps taken by most of the event managers. The close-knit community in which people are separated by geographical boundaries, an event is an opportunity to meet the members. They can meet in person, create a buzz, and celebrate the community. Mobile app should have tools that allow people to create an event & add it to the calendar.

Marketing kits - Most of the medium and large sized communities can be divided into smaller groups on the basis of their ethnicity, age, gender, etc. These groups can be targeted for buying a particular product or service through in-app purchases. This gives you the opportunity to monetize your app. Giving the users freedom to promote schemes within the group, you will need to create a marketing kit.

Links - The content on an app is concise. For those people who want to know all about your community add link of your homepage to the app. Some of the community owners don’t have the time to manage both a website and an app. If building a site is not a part of your business plan, create a FAQ section that answers all the queries of the user. Also, link your social media pages, contact number, and email.

Content Management System - When the community grows or there is a change which you need to address, you might have to update the content of the app. A CMS can help you edit, delete and update the present pages of your app. The Android mobile development company you have hired must create a CMS to help you manage the content of the app.

Along with the above seven features, the Best Android App Development Company will lend a hand in analytics and publishing your app on the Google play store.

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Author: Alex Joseph

Alex Joseph

Member since: Dec 27, 2013
Published articles: 14

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