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Business excellence journey sustainable | Operational excellence journey

Posted: May 27, 2019
The next question that follows is, which is the best methodology? TQM, TPM, LEAN, SIX SIGMA, TOC, AGILE, BPM?.
After years of practical exposure of working with various organization, we found the answer. We decided to share it with rest of the organizations.
Seven Steps Business Transformation Systems was founded about a decade ago with the mission of Making Excellence a Culture. We have developed a Seven Step methodology to achieve and sustain Excellence.Two major factors that play important role in sustaining Business Excellence Journey and its results are : Leadership and Culture. One of the great Business Gurus, Dr Edward Deming said "The secret of success is constancy of purpose". If the Leadership believe in long term and aligns & integrates all Business strategies under a single umbrella, the success can be assured.
Otherwise all tools becomes Flavour of the Month. Over the years, we have transformed several organizations in adapting best class practices and moving towards World Class Levels. The great news is most of them are sustaining the results and continuing the journey for years. The mantra is very simple but it requires great commitment from the Leadership Team. That is the reason,we work only with those organizations where leadership demonstrates commitment and believes in Cultural transformation.It is a bit longer process like practicing Yoga without side effects!We tell this fact upfront and only after the acceptance and understanding about the way Excellence work, we proceed to the next step. Each organization is different; so our road map also is customized based on the challenges faced by the organization.
For Example if the overall Lead-time to delivery is too high, Lean methods will help and if the consistency process or results is a problem, six sigma tools will help. Most importantly, if organization has no set vision, mission and strategies,Hoshin Kanri is the best tool. So a combination of several methodologies blended and a customized business excellence model is created for each aspiring organization. Our first step before accepting any assignment is"Initial diagnostics (in the form of assessment)and feedback".
We suggest certain principles to be embraced and strictly followed based on our initial study. Once Leadership agrees to the Principles and recommended model,the journey begins Seven Steps Business Transformation Systems Established in 2012 provides Business Excellence Solutions in the areas of Manufacturing, Service, Construction,Education, Infrastructure, IT,Governance and Healthcare. The Company is managed by professionals who have vast industry experience and passionate about Business Excellence.Expertise includes Business transformation Strategies, Balanced Score-card, Policy Deployment(Hoshin Kanri), TQM, TPM, Lean, SixSigma, Quality Management Systems,Business Process improvement and Environment & Safety Management Systems. It has other verticals to complement its vision.
Seven Steps Academy of Excellence provides world Class trainings and certifications. Bexsolutionz division supports Visual Workplace standards. SME division provides world class services for excellence for aspiring and committed small and medium businesses. Seven Steps developed unique Standard for 5S called SSAOE-A5S-10 and certifications awarded to organizations after stringent assessment. Seven Steps offers special packages to Micro. Small Scale Industries as a part of its CSR initiative. A 100 crore club is created with a vision of transforming 100 Micro and Small Scale Industries to 100 Crore companies by 2025.
About the Author
The Seven Steps Academy is India's leading institute for lean Six Sigma certification course and training to improve your business skills methodology.
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