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What makes CakePHP a great framework?

Author: Susan Burling
by Susan Burling
Posted: Jun 07, 2019

PHP is considered by numerous individuals as a standout amongst the most reliable and well-known programming dialects for quite a while. Be that as it may, in this day and age, there are many open source choices accessible for companies to create web applications. Back in the days when PHP 4 was as yet the most utilized framework, and no other PHP based frameworks were accessible, building up an article situated coding approach in PHP turned into a test. It was simply after this CakePHP developed, around then it was the first ever PHP MVC framework.

Right around ten years have gone till now and Cake PHP has kept on advancing, keeping up a decent piece of the pie of Cake PHP developers, which has, thusly, lead to the ascent of CakePHP development services. However, for what reason is CakePHP so well known and sought after? It has been continually positioned as one of the main 4 well-known PHP extends on Github, so what makes this framework so unique, how about we discover the reasons.

Open Source Platform

The core of Cake PHP is an open source design, which is a shared objective for each developer. Being an open source, the developers gain admittance to the most recent developmental devices and they need not need to invest a tremendous measure of time and vitality recorded as a hard copy a similar source codes. This, thus, encourages in adding power to the applications they create and helps in improving their general execution.

No Special Configuration Required

Being an open source stage, it doesn't require any sort of setup for software engineers to begin utilizing it. A large portion of the settings and features in Cake PHP are auto-distinguished. This spares a great deal of time for the developers as they need not require concentrating the design settings.

Solid and Re-usable

Since Cake PHP utilizes a ton of promptly accessible source contents, it spares a great deal of time for the developer, as the software engineer can generally get to pre-composed codes, which could fill in as the base for a few ventures that have various applications. This enables the developer to concentrate more on innovative and intelligent angles than stressing over the wearying assignment of re-coding.

Supports MVC Framework

Since Cake PHP depends on MVC framework, it enables total access to embed, erase and adjust data straightforwardly from the database. A procedure control will dependably react to occasions on the ID of blunders, ensuring there is a prompt alteration even before it has communicated with the database. The MVC example encourages effectively to separate rationale from the introduction.

More extensive Support of Online Community

One of the extraordinary parts of Cake PHP is that they are bolstered by a bigger network of Peers who are constantly prepared to share data and gain from one another. The nearness of such a significant number of donors is constantly useful for Programmers as they can rapidly adopt new features and instruments of the Cake PHP. Discussions are all around kept up and it makes it simpler for beginners to examine new developmental features and functionalities.

Search engine optimization Friendly Website development

Today website development is tied in with making your website with SEO amicable features so websites can get higher position in the top web search tools like Google, Yahoo, and so on. Cake PHP empowers you to incorporate modules which thusly causes companies to lift up the exhibition of their websites.

Fast and Easy documentation technique

Cake PHP underpins compelling and quick methods for documentation. Consequently, developers can undoubtedly finish documentation without squandering pointless time for this procedure.


The above focuses unmistakably show what Cake PHP is prepared to do and how Cake PHP development has turned out to be one of the least demanding and most adaptable programming dialects for a web development company and web developers alike. Indeed, even following 10 years of its underlying discharge Cake PHP stays lively and still gives a solid challenge to other PHP frameworks around. With its perpetual usefulness and develop a code base, there is nothing unexpected that Cake PHP is picking up so much notoriety around the world.

About the Author

Susan Burling is a senior web developer and marketing manager at PHPDevelopmentCompany.

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Author: Susan Burling

Susan Burling

Member since: Sep 16, 2018
Published articles: 14

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