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Digital Marketing

Author: Kpdigital Marketing
by Kpdigital Marketing
Posted: Jun 17, 2019

It’s really important to engage both your external clients as well as your internal clients i.e. your employees. When both of these stakeholders are engaged only then, will the communicate, ultimately fostering your business.

Now, without wasting much time, let’s get started.

  • Look at the picture from 100th Floor not from 0th Floor: Always look at any situation from a broader perspective. Don’t go after short term profits only, but take decisions that drive results in the long term. This will ensure the profitability and sustainability of the business.

  • Do not lie to or bluff your client: This is really important; the business is the client’s own baby and they know about it better than you. Whatever the situation is whether good or bad, do not lie to them.

  • Help your client to gain knowledge: I faced this situation a lot of times where the client says, " OMG this is amazing, how did you do this?" and they have asked me to take a session. In such cases, you should help them to gain new knowledge, as it will make your job a lot easier and it helps to develop trust and confidence in you.

  • Keep your client updated: Keep them updated with regular updates which can be daily, weekly or monthly, with Playbooks i.e. share results for the experiments you have done and with new insights that affect their business either directly or indirectly.

  • Understand the urgency: If your client says that a task is urgent, please inform him that you are doing the urgent task and deprioritizing the daily ones. But again, taking every task on an urgent basis is also a bad idea. In such cases, communicate with them and understand the priority. If needed take help from your seniors as well.

  • Take decisions which are both data and intuition-driven: Needless to say, do not take decisions on the basis that " I think this is right", you should have valid data points to support your decision. This will make it more logical.

  • Develop personal relations with Client: Yes guys this is really important. Let’s say, we give good news with immense joy, but what about bad news? What about the mistakes you have committed? In such cases, the client’s cool will highly depend upon your personal relations with him. And also, in such situations, he is the only person who will save you in front of his seniors. So, mark my words, develop personal relations with your client.

  • We have seen the best practices for our client management, it’s time to look at the best practices for your internal client engagement i.e. your employees.

  • Take care of your people, the work will be taken care of: This is the most important key to keep your employees engaged. Give priority to the people in your team because they are the one who will take care of your work. So, encourage them, help them, give knowledge, promote work culture, foster innovation and of course treat them as humans, not robots.

  • Accept the Mistakes of Your Team: It’s highly possible that your team members will make mistakes in their initial days, but we need to keep patience. If you humiliate him for his mistakes, there are high chances that next time he will not share his mistake and at times the entire business can go for a toss.

  • Give Responsibility & Freedom to Your Team: This helps to develop confidence within and person’s mind and enhances his ability to make decisions which ultimately enables him to take more risks. This is how an employee scales up in his work.

  • Understand a person’s work pressure and give him support: A lot of times it happens that in a team of 10, 1 guy has a very messy and highly engaging client. This builds up a lot of pressure on him regarding work and mental as well. Ultimately the person gets saturated and can make a decision to leave the organization. Before this occurs, we need to identify the pains of employees and ease his life by giving him support with more people under him.

  • Foster work culture and team culture: Last but not the least it’s really important to promote work & team culture, ethics and morality of conduct. This ensures that an employee has a social life apart from work, people to whom they can speak, make friends and so on. Fostering culture bring down the saturation level of employees as once the employee gets saturated it’s difficult to bring him back.


About the Author

Digital marketing industry is growing at a rapid pace in India. Advertising expenditure in India is expected to grow at 13% compared to 2017 and touch Inr 69,346 crore in 2018. Digital marketing has become synonymous with marketing.

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Author: Kpdigital Marketing

Kpdigital Marketing

Member since: Jun 14, 2019
Published articles: 10

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