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Unscramble Word Finder

Author: Albert Green
by Albert Green
Posted: Jul 31, 2019

Are you searching for high-scoring Words Containing Q for your favorite word game like Scrabble®, Words with Friends, Word Chums, Angry Words, Wordfeud, or Lexulous? At rest assured that you are in the right place!

Our Word Finders Will Help You Out!

Here you can find all Word Finders by and of course our Crossword Solver for crossword addicts. Every generator we provide is described using detailed instructions on each Word Creator page. A concrete example will also help you understand the helper.

Nearly every web browser comes with a Find tool, which allows you to scan the page for matching words or phrases. You can also use Google's advanced search operators to perform a search for a word or phrase on all of the pages of a specific site. You can use this in conjunction with the Find tool to locate a word anywhere on the internet.

Keywords, also commonly called search terms, are the words that you enter into the database search boxes. They represent the main concepts of your research topic and are the words used in everyday life to describe the topic. Without the right keywords, you may have difficulty finding the articles that you need.

Selecting keywords is a multi-step process that involves:

  • identifying the main concepts of your topic- brainstorming synonyms and antonyms that could also be used to describe your topic - spell out abbreviations

It is very rare that your first search will bring back perfect results. It takes trial and error to determine which keywords work best for your topic. Be prepared to run multiple searches in your quest for the keywords that will help you find the materials you need.

One of the great, and yet little known, features in mobile Safari is that it allows you to search a webpage for a specific word. This feature is a lifesaver if you happen to come across a lengthy article, for example, and want to quickly skip ahead to a particular segment of the document.

Here's how it all works.

Let's say I hop on over to to check out the latest sports news. Here I see ESPN's splash page talking about the Red Sox playoff win.

But let's say I need my football fix and want to quickly jump to any articles discussing Peyton Manning without having to scroll through the site's entire front page.

So, to find any references to "Manning," I simply double tap the URL bar in mobile Safari, which brings me to this page.

Apple added this "Find on Page" feature way back in iOS 4.2, but at that time, Safari had an independent search bar next to the URL bar. Safari was then upgraded with a unified search bar in iOS 7, but the method for finding text on a webpage remained basically the same, and it still is to this day.

However, iOS 9 brought on a second, more convenient way to find terms on webpages in Safari, and we'll show you how both of these methods work right now in the latest version of iOS for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

Let’s say I hop on over to and want to quickly scan the page for any stories involving, say, Kevin Durant. Instead of tediously scrolling through the entire webpage and hoping to spot a story of interest, iOS provides a clever way to do all of the heavy lifting for you.

To get started, simply apply a single tap to the URL bar, highlighted below.

Once the URL bar becomes highlighted, you can begin typing in your search phrase which, in this case, is "Durant."

Next, you’re presented with what appears to be a standard Safari search results page. Clearly these are of no help.

But here’s where things get cool.

Simply scroll further down on the page and you’re soon presented with a previously hidden category which lists out all of the instances in which "Durant" is found on the webpage in question.

Boom. There it is.

Following that, simply tap on "durant" and you’re whisked back to the homepage and all of the instances of "Durant" on the open page will be highlighted in yellow. What’s more, iOS makes it easy to navigate between each instance of the word simply by tapping the arrow keys on the lower left hand side of the display.

About the Author

Word board game can play up to four people, but some people enjoy putting up teams that can pit their vocabulary skills against each other. However, it does not mean that more people can tile the words easily.

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Author: Albert Green

Albert Green

Member since: Jul 28, 2019
Published articles: 1

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