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Dissertation Writing - The Challenges Of Being Interesting

Author: Whitney Hart
by Whitney Hart
Posted: Aug 30, 2019

Do you know the most frequent reason why the thesis gets rejected? One can give many reasons i.e., inappropriate samples, wrong methodology. But based on my experience, the most common cause is the "size of the contribution." Every dissertation has its limitations, but in the end, the success of your thesis comes down to weighing your novel contribution. By contribution, I'm referring to how interesting your research question happens to be. However, unluckily the idea of being interesting is not that simple. Here, I’m offering a few humble suggestions for doctoral students regarding their role in enriching the "interest-quotient."

Test Taken For Granted Assumptions

Less interesting ideas are those that are consistent with readers' thoughts. Agree? To make your research interesting, you should pick a concept that takes a substantial change in the behaviors and beliefs of a large number of people. For example, find a core assumption in your field on which a whole stream of research lies and then challenge it. Dissertation writing services in UK appear much better versed in this area.

Examining The External Validity

External validity is used to check the generalizability of results outside the study context. You should know that if the theory lacks external validity, then that theory also lacks construct validity. You should identify the common factors that may interact with the primary variables that are routinely examined. To challenge the external validity, you have to figure out different factors that threaten external validity such as sample features, situational factors, and selection bias.

Resolve Inconsistent Findings

While doing a literature review, you must come across conflicting findings. It happens when some studies find significant results for any specific relationship while other students do not. If that is the case, then your focal question should shift from "Does" to "when." For instance, you can change your research question from Does variable X cause variable Y? To when do variable Y is caused by variable X?

Challenge Traditional Managerial Practices

In an area of management, theory and practice go side by side. Therefore, challenging the beliefs of managers are an excellent source of interesting ideas. For instance, many managers believe that the bonus should not be based on the performance of employees only. Based on this belief as a source of motivation, you can prove that there is no way to decide on bonuses other than employee's performance.

Break The Causal Chains

Many relationships are taken for granted based on a notion of matured relationships. But what if the relationship is not the way it appeared? What if it is intervene or controlled any other construct? All of this would result in the disappearance of existed well-established relationships. For instance, previous studies investigated the direct impact of electronic word of mouth on customer satisfaction. But you can mold the existing relationship by introducing relevant mediating variable let say "internal marketing." That is the impact of electronic word of mouth on customer satisfaction but has no direct effect on customer satisfaction after controlling for internal marketing.

Open New Domain Of Inquiry

You can make your research interesting by opening a new domain of inquiry. The new domain refers to as new central variable in a research environment. These new domains of inquiry bring the paradigm shift. Lately, market orientation is the best example of work that founded on searching one of our most basicpremises, that is, that being market-oriented is inherently agood practice.

Assessing how stimulating a given idea is very subjective. But, based on an informal review of the good dissertations, I do believe it is probable to build up a general classification of ideas that have the capability of scoring high on the interesting “Richter scale.”

About the Author

Whitney is a creative writer and content strategist from Company Name. I am a graduate of the University of London.

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Author: Whitney Hart

Whitney Hart

Member since: May 07, 2019
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