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Sustentabilidade e Cobogó

Author: Juca Silva
by Juca Silva
Posted: Sep 05, 2019

In the world of architecture there are several building elements that, when well used, can make environments much more beautiful, comfortable and functional. One of them is certainly Cobogo.

Cobogó is a Brazilian constructive element, created in the 1920s. Its name is named after the first syllables of the surnames of its creators, Amadeu Oliveira Coimbra, Ernest August Boeckmann and Antonio de Góis.

It was created in Recife in order to maintain natural ventilation through the wall planes - a solution found to help in the thermostatic regulation of the environment in the northeastern heat.

In some places of the Brazilian Northeast the name cobogó underwent interesting variations. Some examples are comogó, comogol, comungó, combobó and combogó.

Its creation was based on the Muxarabis, architectural elements derived from Arabic architecture, which allow ventilation and preserve family privacy.

It is a hollow element, first created in concrete and diffused in various materials such as ceramics, cement, glass, acrylic, PVC, resin and wood.

Using cobogós is a resource widely used in strategies that confer greater bioclimatic efficiency. The main function is to divide environments and allow daylight and ventilation. The beauty of the element is undeniable in the outer areas.

Its use provides the rationalization of the building, listing ventilation, lighting and solar control as agents of quality and environmental comfort.

Employing it properly in the environment increases the air quality index through constant exchange. It is recommended to create healthy environments and reduces energy costs, reducing the use of artificial climate.

As for lighting, the use of cobogos becomes a great device, protecting the building against direct sunlight, directing and redistributing them through the environment.

The choice of this element contributes to the luminous uniformity according to the solar orientation in which it is employed, balancing the luminance distribution on internal surfaces.

A cobogo can be used in almost any type of construction, whether residential, commercial or even industrial.

Popularized by modernism in the 1950s and 1960s, he was employed in various works by the great names of modern architecture as the architect Lúcio Costa. Initially used in the composition of internal divisions and later in the composition of ventilated facades.

There are several creative ways to use a cobogo. The most common is in the division of external and internal environments, but other possibilities can be used. The separation of indoor environments is one of these ways, or even the division between same environments, generating more intimate areas through visual blockage.

The cost of a piece of coboo is quite variable. We can find simpler models of up to R $ 1.50 per unit value up to R $ 90.00 in models with a different design and higher quality of finish. The sizes also vary, starting from 19x19cm reaching 40x40cm.

A thorough calculation is required when applied to planes higher than 3 meters. A cobogo wall should not replace any masonry wall as it is not indicated in case of large compression loads.

As coboos are solar control elements, it acts by filtering out the incidence of radiation and drafts. Understanding this, attention should be paid to the region and climate where we intend to work with these elements.

It can be used as an excellent bioclimatic strategy for regions with equatorial, tropical and subtropical climates. It is very useful in solving thermohygroscopic problems.

About the Author

In the world of architecture there are several building elements that, when well used, can make environments much more beautiful, comfortable and functional. One of them is certainly Cobogo.

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Author: Juca Silva

Juca Silva

Member since: Sep 02, 2019
Published articles: 1

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