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Students Life in College 2019

Author: Landy Lee
by Landy Lee
Posted: Sep 26, 2019

College life is spontaneous. Think of the pressure to read, assignment overload, parents expectations, entertainments, and friends. In 2019 what are some of the challenges that a student faces with no one to turn to? Read below to know more about the problems and the solutions.

1. Academic

Does it surprise you? It is one of a significant issue affecting the students. The parent wants them to get the best grade. They have no time to study due to numerous assignments. Looks at how strict the college admission policies are. Remember they have different IQ and EQ. They cannot understand in the same way. The teacher mostly concentrates on the fast learners, and the slow learners are left behind. Some end up suffering from the low-inferiority complex.


The parents need to learn that sometimes their children can scoreless. The learners should get the freedom to pursue their talents. Someone can have learning disabilities and be a sport guru.

That balance will protect them from feeling inferior. EduBirdie is there to help learners with excessive homework. You will only pay a reasonable amount and get quality work.

2. Competition

The world is highly competitive. Getting a college admission is a headache. With social media, the learners not only compete to get a good grade but also to look good amid their classmates. They want to post their latest dress and hairstyle. Students life is precious, yet some have killed themselves as a result of the competition. They feel like they do not fit in.


Do not give up if you miss an admission in the college of your choice. Look for another college. Know who you are and live within your means. If social media is stressing you up, concentrate on your schoolwork.

3. Health

Due to academic pressure, learners have no time to eat healthily. They spend many hours trying to finish assignments and sleep for a few hours. Some have no time to do exercise. Their body becomes weak, resulting in sick. Some get mental health problems due to pressure and learning disabilities.


You should avoid junk food. Instead, eat healthily. In case you have a problem, school counselors are available to help you. In case the assignments are excessive, experts are available to handle them at a fee. Every day get adequate sleep and do some exercise.


Once you join college, do not expect it to be butter and bread. You will go through some challenges. The most important part is to know how to handle them. Take care of your body and avoid excessive pressure and unhealthy competition. Know your learning style and pursue your talent to increase your prospects in life.

Once you join college, do not expect it to be butter and bread. You will go through some challenges. The most important part is to know how to handle them. Take care of your body and avoid excessive pressure and unhealthy competition. Know your learning style and pursue your talent to increase your prospects in life.

About the Author

Once you join college, do not expect it to be butter and bread. You will go through some challenges. The most important part is to know how to handle them.

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Author: Landy Lee

Landy Lee

Member since: Sep 21, 2019
Published articles: 1

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