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How far can the signal of a VGA cable go?

Author: Sustema Inc
by Sustema Inc
Posted: Oct 04, 2019

Even though VGA cables are very similar in design and functionality, they usually differ in terms of their advantages and disadvantages regarding the quality of the information being transmitted. For instance, our customers are often unsure about the maximum distance that their VGA cables can reliably transmit information. When working in mission-critical situations this becomes an issue since the information displayed is critical to the success of operations. In this article, we will highlight the best practices when working with VGA cables in the command center and control room.

Factors Affecting The VGA Signal Reach

  • The power of the source- The quality of the product - The degree of electrical interference

Because VGA cables use analog technology to transmit data such as images and video, it has the potential to send signals over long distances without affecting or jeopardizing the quality of its information. This is due because VGA is a technology similar to the one found in the music industry to plug instruments to speakers. The technology does not require it to read data packets to decipher information from one end to the other. Nevertheless, when distances become longer the signal coming from VGA cables tends to decrease and not display anything on the other end. Therefore, what is the recommended VGA cable distance to ensure one does not risk losing important data? We conducted a research to provide you with the recommended cable lengths depending on the quality of the resolution that you need.

Recommended Cable Lengths Based on Resolution- 100 ft: 800x600 and less- Between 50–100 ft: 1280x1024 & 1024x768- 25 ft: 1600x1200 & 1920x1200

Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that every cable configuration is different based on the application and installation. In some cases, only by using high-end quality VGA cables with integrated shielding it is possible to get a signal reach of 100 to 150 feet with ease. The integrated shielding layers preserves the signal from the electrical interference emitted by electronic equipment. Not surprisingly, Sustema often recommends its customers CAT5/6 systems to ensure the reliability of the signal. At sustema, we manufacture customized technical furniture and consoles for IT-intensive environments making this technology a must.

VGA Boosters & Equalizers

the CAT5 and CAt6 are commonly used in the industry to reach even longer distances when utilizing VGA. The system is fairly affordable compared to other solutions and easy to install. The system comprises integrated boosters and equalizers and can even be plugged into a power source to further magnify its signal. This system can potentially send a 640x480 image resolution to up to 300 metres.

About UsSustema manufactures specialized furniture solutions such as consoles and workbenches for mission-critical environments since 1996. Born out of a cable integration company, we can help customers design a control room or command center to respond to today's technology environments.

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About the Author

Gabriel Lorenzo Marketing Coordinator at Sustema

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Author: Sustema Inc

Sustema Inc

Member since: Sep 06, 2019
Published articles: 18

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