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How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Like Tinder?

Author: Trioangle Technology
by Trioangle Technology
Posted: Oct 12, 2019

The modern technologies not only change out everyone lifestyle but also create a significant impact on the folks interpersonal relationships. More and more people are finding their partner in online that’s why site with dating background app are vastly famed. The most recent trending dating app among youngsters is a "Tinder".

Tinder give a chance to the user to employ the swipe motion to find their perfect match for dating. Swipe right indicate "Like", that is user liked the displayed profile person very much and the user is indirectly saying that he/she is interest for dating. In case the other side user returns affection in the form of swipe right. Tinder create a match. Both of them can chat with the help of the feature incorporated in the app and fix date for meeting. Swipe left indicate "Nope", the user is not interested in dating with the displayed profile.

Have an idea to gear up an app like Tinder and how much does it cost for developing? This article will help you to give more details in greater and also you have option to know Tinder clone that inspire you to start up business like Tinder. Go head and dive in to the article below.

For any business startup ROI is the essential one. Let’s see how much Profit Tinder earns.

Tinder Financial Statistics:-
  • Tinder earned an estimated of $ 400 million in 2017
  • Tinder has a net worth of $3 billion
  • Tinder expected to bring $800 million revenue in 2018

This show Tinder is the high recommended model for startup.

Technique Behind Tinder:-

Tinder functionality is simple for user but the complex algorithm are invisible to the user. When developing an app like tinder below listed peculiarities must follow

  • If the mutually interested users swipe right then automatically algorithm must generate a "Its a match"
  • If the user swipe left then the displayed profile should never show to the user.
  • Each user can see the different people in the different order so the developer expert must develop according to this functionality.
  • The special algorithm is made for the user to see a single person at a time based on location and that can also bring match from extra mile that comes under subscription plan.
  • Algorithm should build like to execute these processes one by one after getting a pair or match.

Like -> Match -> Chat -> fix date for meeting ( This process depends on users wish).

The rationale portrayed above ought to be executed on the server side of the application. The back-end can be made with the assistance of PHP,.NET, Java, Python, or other server-side innovations.

Developing Process:-

For developing process you must need expert developer. So your project price going to double because normally developer cost $50 dollar per-hour. The project team must need these following members for development process:

  • iOS developer – 2
  • Android developer – 2
  • Tester – 2
  • Project Manager – 1
  • Designer – 1
  • Back-end developer -2

Then calculate the amount for developing process.

Developing cycle for features:-

The features of Tinder require certain day for developing process. We have displayed approximate calculation may be the development process complete soon or take a little bit of time to complete.

  • Authorization – 1 day
  • GPS location – half day
  • Settings – 3 days
  • User profile – 5 to 6 days
  • Matching functionality – 6 to 7 days
  • Notifications – 1 day
  • Communication – 10 days
  • 3rd party services integration – 1 and a half days

Totally the project will be completed in a month but the thing is have to work with full focus.

Cost For An App Like Tinder:-

The cost of an app depends on the functionality and the development company you choose. Approximately it reach $40 – $50k.

The developing process, developing cycle for feature, cost for an app are explained above. Already told you have another option to know about Tinder clone which is listed below.

Tinder features are the backbone for its success. The exact feature is present in our Tinder clone script. Let see it one by one

Tinder clone App Features:-Authorization process:-

Authorization process can done in two ways

Facebook :- Build an app like Tinder use Facebook authorization API. Which is usually implemented via an open authorization protocol like OAuth.

  • The app allows users to synchronize the user’s Facebook account for the login/signup process.
  • After the completion of account synchronization, users have to add their phone numbers in the signup process.
  • Now the user needs to fill up the further details in the app.
  • This is one of the easiest ways to create an account in the app.

Phone number:- Users can log in/signup using the phone number. Follows the OTP process, need to fill in further details in the app for registration.

Profile Editing:-

Profile editing process happen on the client side. User can add/ edit the bio such as name, age, profile pic, age, gender, etc. This record are saved on the server side.

User can integrate the Tinder like app account with Instagram so that recent photos of instagram will displayed in Tinder like app.

App setting:-

App setting in Tinder is built with more convenience usage. User can enable/disable setting for example:- User can prefer their location by two options one is current location another one is add new location (comes under subscription plan). Like user can choose unit of measurement for displaying distance.


Receiving notification is executed by interacting application with the google server/Apple. The gadget is installed in the appropriate Os server and get certain id. After that application server supplies application with message pop-up. To empower Push notice in android application use Fire clouding message. For iOs application use Apple message pop-up.

Geo – Location:-

Geo – Location is the main feature of Tinder without this app functionality will get lacks in the main process. Use google/apple location and map service integrate with the geolocation of Tinder like app. For Android, you are going to employ the classes of android.location package and the Map view class, for iOS – the CLLocationManager Class and Map Kit framework.


In Tinder users can chat with each other only when they have mutual likes. Otherwise, the chat is disabled. As a rule, this function is implemented via the

A mutual match occurs between two users they can experience the chat function. Otherwise chat function is disable mode. This function works with the bases of implementing via the RESTful API or through HTTp. The polling interval is set up for seamless chatting.

Monetization via app purchase:-

User supposed to purchase the subscription plans to experience some unlock option like super like, boost, rewind, changing their location, turn-off ads. In-app purchase is integrated via the In-app Billing API for Android applications and Store Kit framework for iOS ones.

Tinder App Design:-

Elegant design of Tinder attract 57 million users. The simple design in the concept of swipe life impress the users by reducing the amount of time spent to find a potential match. Tinder is the great example for user friendly app. Tinder has extraordinary UI/Ux design. So app design is one of the main parts of building an app like Tinder. Give more importance for design when developing.

Our developer expert from Trioangle produce an exact clone of Tinder. The main thing is Tinder clone available in iOS and Android platform. The cost is reasonable (really you will get a surprise in the cost). We customize the product according to our client wishes.We always support our client for app submission. After the rejection of app we never leave our client. It’s our pleasure to work any time for our clients. To know more about Tinder clone tap here:

Thanks for reading this article. Meet you soon as our client.

For any queries feel free to contact us: or tap on

About the Author

Trioangle is the web and mobile development company. We provide clone script like fancy, Tinder, space rental script, Boat rental script. Interested people tap here :, ht

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Author: Trioangle Technology

Trioangle Technology

Member since: Aug 02, 2019
Published articles: 20

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