Water pumps are machines that move water by means of mechanical forces. Water pumps find applications in a number of situations like agriculture, medicine, aquarium filtering, and heavy machinery industries.
There are multiple kinds of water pumps out there, depending on the total distance the water needs to be pumped and the amount of water that needs to be moved. Centrifugal pumps are the ones that use Centrifugal force to pump the water and are powered by an electric motor and are used mostly for construction purposes. The water pressure booster pumps are the ones supplying water to residential areas. They work on water pressure and supply the water at a uniform rate across all water tubes.
- There are Submersible Pumps which are used in wells and are fully submerged underwater and have a hidden motor.• There are Shallow well pumps that are used in villages because they can pump out the water even out of shallow wells.
High pressure water pumps are one of the most widely used pumps nowadays. They are manufactured by different companies but all share a similar working principle, although they can exhibit a spectrum of pressure and flow rate abilities. This kind of pump has an input shaft that is powered by an electric motor. Like pedals on a bicycle, there is a crankshaft which converts the rotational motion into linear motion. This linear motion powers the end of the pump that is supposed to eject liquid or water. This end consists of high-pressure cylinders consisting of pistons. A high-pressure water pump is confined to two solvents which are pumped by two separate pumps and the dynamic phase mixture is regulated by the average flow rate of these two pumps.
Water pressure booster pumps are the pumps that are actually used when water does not reach the topmost floors of high-rise buildings. It can happen for a lot of reasons. A lot of people could be using the same pipeline at once. Or it could simply be gravity at work. This type of pump puts added pressure on the water so it can be transported up to the higher floors. The process does not actually increase the water flow but gives it added pressure to make sure the water reaches its destination. This pump works with the help of an expansion tank which is closed. This tank has a bladder which is pressurized. The pump pulls in fluid or water inside the tank (on the side where the bladder is located). The more the amount of fluid inside the bladder, the more compressed it gets and consequently puts pressure on the water. These booster pumps can be controlled mechanically or by using computers. In the latter, a digital system regulates the pressure according to when a necessity. It is possible to save energy if a booster pump is equipped with a variable frequency drive (VFD) for speed control.
Booster pumps are not only useful when there are tall buildings involved. They can be used for irrigation purposes as well. A lot of people also use this pump to water their gardens or crop fields.
About the Author
K V Gopalakrishnan is a writer who has very good experience in writing articles & blogs. The writer has a flair for writing and he keeps on writing various articles and blogs related to the industry.