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What are the tips to get Low-Interest Personal Loans?

Author: Shane Robert
by Shane Robert
Posted: Oct 22, 2019

A personal loan is more of a borrower’s favor loan. It is an unsecured type of loan, where the borrower is not required to put any collateral with the lender. This loan type is used for personal needs like medical expenses, wedding expenses, education, small home improvements, vehicle purchase, etc.

Low-interest personal loans are the trend now. Many banks are offering personal loans with low-interest rates to the borrowers and attracting them. With low-interest rates, you will get to pay lesser EMI every month, which will not give you a burden, and you can also plan your savings accordingly.

Tips to get a personal loan at a low-interest rate

  1. Hidden charges: A borrower should always check for the hidden charges that the lender is charging. Lenders don’t just give low-interest rates on the loans, but rather they charge huge processing fees to cover the expenses. This might be a one-time charge but still, as it is a huge expense, it will still impact your pocket. So, if you already have an idea of the hidden charges, then you can lower your interest rate.
  2. Credit score: The borrower can get a loan without any hassles if he has a good credit score. Maintaining a high credit score will also reduce the interest rate. So, if you need a loan with a low-interest rate, then start improving your credit score by making the EMI payments on time without any delay.
  3. Know how the interest rate is calculated: Always check the overall interest amount that you are supposed to pay to the lender. Ask your lender on how the interest rate is calculated, only then apply for the loan.
  4. Check with multiple lenders: Before taking a loan, check and consider a loan from multiple lenders. Know their terms and conditions, policies, their rate of interest and hidden charges. If the lender is not reputable and reliable, even if the lender charges a low-interest rate, you may end up paying more with the hidden and extra charges. So, before choosing one, go through all their policies and then finalize them.

Types of personal loans

There are many lenders who offer a different type of personal loan for your financial needs to be fulfilled.

Let’s see the types of personal loans.

  1. Medical emergency loan: Situations are uncertain, and we might not always have cash in hand in emergency situations. You might be having insurance that covers your medical expenses, but these insurances are only limited to few expenses and the rest should be borne by us. At that time, you can avail of a medical emergency loan and clear your hospital bills.
  2. Vehicle loan: If you wish to buy a vehicle that has been postponing for a long time, then take a personal loan and purchase your dream vehicle.
  3. Holiday loan: Holiday loans are the loans that are taken to cover the expenses of vacation. Taking a vacation occasionally will give you memories that you can cherish for a lifetime. Paying debt for the vacation that you go once in a while, is worth the memories.
  4. Wedding loan: You can apply for a loan to cover your wedding expenses, as doing a wedding is just not simple these days, you need to incur so much money to make things go smooth at the wedding.
5. Home improvement loan: You can take a loan for home repairs or improvement. This will be your investment in increasing the value and increasing the life span of the house.
About the Author

Hello, this is Shruti.G, I will give suggestions about loans and finance.

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Author: Shane Robert

Shane Robert

Member since: Oct 14, 2019
Published articles: 3

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