Family Dispute Resolution: Mediation works!
![Author: Naomi Holtring](/inc/images/no-person-100.gif)
Posted: Jul 22, 2014
Everyone faces conflict with family on various issues. During separation and divorce issues become critical, many people turn to litigation and end up in court seeking justice. But, going to court is not about justice, it is about points of law – your emotional pain and feelings of betrayal, revenge and anger are not legal points. The fact is that court is usually about who has the best lawyer, and who can afford to stay in the process the longest. Most of the time one party gives up because they realise they are paying massive amounts of money, they are wasting their precious time, getting nowhere they end up hugely frustrated. Children are damaged in the fallout of their parents’ fight, and any remaining threads of a relationship needed to co-parent them, is destroyed.
Mediation is a far better option and early intervention increases the likelihood of effective resolution, because disputes mismanaged or ignored are likely to simmer and then escalate quickly and unexpectedly, causing greater problems which may lead to permanent damage of important relationships.
InterMEDIATE Dispute Management assists in resolving disputes in all types of relationships and offers highly effective processes by Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners. The success rate of InterMEDIATE Dispute Management in helping people to resolve their disputes is around 98% and there is a 100% money back quality service guarantee.
Mediation can help separating and divorced parties to resolve all types of issues such as:
- Parenting: So often the dispute between parents creates such acrimony that parenting of healthy and happy children who have the love and support of both parents is difficult. As long as it is appropriate, a parenting plan crafted by the parties with the help of Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners can enable discussion and agreement about all important aspects of parenting of their children.
InterMEDIATE Dispute Management helps parents to recognise their current parenting style, and helps them to work towards improving it for the sake of their children.
- Spousal Support: Sometimes when one parent has sacrificed a career to parent children and support their partner’s career leaves them far worse off financially when separation happens. This can be discussed and agreed upon in the Family Dispute Resolution session.
- Child support: The Child Support Agency (CSA) provides a calculator for parents to gauge the level of child support payable. Very often however, parents want their children to enjoy the extra benefits they have had prior to separation, and a private agreement can ensure they can continue to experience their important activities.
- Division of property and finances: InterMEDIATE Dispute Management has assisted many thousands of separating couples to divide their assets and liabilities in a way they believe is fair and recognises the needs and contributions of both parties. Agreements can be made into Court Orders (not a court case) by consent, making them legally enforceable.
- Relationship: Couples divorce each other, not their children. A parenting relationship lasts a lifetime and separating couples need to put aside their anger, and develop a new type of relationship which ensures their children enjoy the love and support of both parents.
- Communication: If communication during a relationship is important, it is even more so after separation, to enable co-parenting. Emotions before and during separation can be overwhelming and the resulting outbursts can take a tremendous toll on effective ongoing communication. Often parents have no strategies for dealing with a former partner who seems impossible to speak to. InterMEDIATE Dispute Management are specialists in helping parties to work out acceptable ways of communication. How InterMEDIATE Dispute Management’s assistance is beneficial to all parties
1. Saves Precious Time:
Where court can take years of stress and associated expenses, InterMEDIATE Dispute Management’s entire process can take between one and two weeks from first enquiry to printed agreements.
2. Saves Money:
Rather than spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in court – money that is better spent looking after the parties and their children, Family Dispute Resolution can cost around $2000 per party.
3. Protects and Repairs Important Relationships:
InterMEDIATE Dispute Management’s process is a transformative one, which means they help transform a relationship from bitterness and anger to a more harmonious and productive one, allowing them to parent happy and healthy children.
4. Offers Equal Chance For Each Party To Speak :
InterMEDIATE Dispute Management ensures each party has equal voice in the process, and our transformative model enables greater understanding and cooperation between parties during the session and can the learning can be applied to a lifetime of greater communication and mutually satisfying outcomes.
5. Helps In Tailoring The Best Decision:
When parties have a dispute they initially believe they are right, and the other is wrong (otherwise they would be agreeing). They usually have a firm belief about what is the best way to resolve the issue and will have a belief that the other party’s is not in their best interests. Established positions of being "right," prevents understanding, consideration and creative thinking. During Family Dispute Resolution, InterMEDIATE Dispute Management assists each party to explore their issues and to come up with some new options for resolution. It is the options generation which allows parties to step out of their initial position and to find a new solution that really works for both parties.
6. Maintains Confidentiality:
At InterMEDIATE Dispute Management, everything regarding the dispute in the family is kept confidential. No new information which comes from the mediation is allowable in court – not that court should be required afterwards…
7. Children’s Voices Can be Heard:
Many children feel upset that they have no say in what happens to them during separation and divorce of their parents. They often feel overwhelmed by their parents’ emotions spilling over and being forced into different lives that they did not choose. Most children don’t speak out, as they attempt to protect their upset parents, or themselves. Child Inclusive Practice allows the children to be interviewed away from the mediation session, by a specialist Child Consultant. The Child Consultant can find out what life is like for the children and deliver an oral report to the parents during a joint session of Family Dispute Resolution, so their voices can be heard and parents can make decisions with their children’s genuine hopes, needs and concerns in mind.
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