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10 Quick and easy tips to take the stress out of your office

Author: Shirley Balerio
by Shirley Balerio
Posted: Nov 29, 2019
blood pressure

Even if you love your job, you can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Your inbox is constantly asking for your attention, your managers and colleagues keep asking you for information, you're not moving the way you want, and the folders are piling up on your desk? The lighting or temperature of your office annoys you? All of these stressors build up, and before you know it, headaches, nibbling, and restless sleep become part of your daily routine.

The good news is that if stress builds up quickly throughout the day, it's just as easy to fight without leaving your desk. In this article, Orangetitles will show 10 simple techniques to eliminate stress and make your workdays more enjoyable: will show 10 simple techniques to eliminate stress and make your workdays more enjoyable:

1. Write down your concerns

Whether you are concerned about an important presentation or the results of a project, simply recording your concerns can help you and improve your performance. Worrying about a situation solicits your working memory, and therefore some of the processing capabilities of your brain. Expressive writing allows you to stop mulling over a situation and identify the real source of your stress, so that your working memory has the resources to react better when the situation in question arises.

2. Watch a funny video

A laugh not only empties your mind, but it also activates and lessens the stress response of your body. It decreases your heart rate and blood pressure, stimulates the circulation and relaxation of muscles and releases endorphins into the brain. It prevents stress and stimulates creativity and productivity.

3. Turn off your screen for 10 minutes

Between computer screens, Smartphones and TV, many of us are watching screens from morning to night. The link is easily established between the syndrome of artificial vision and eye fatigue, neck pain, nausea, anxiety and depression. So make an effort to disconnect, in the literal sense. Instead of having your break on social networks or texting, turn off your screen, shut down your computer, and relax your eyes. Read a book or magazine, take a walk (without playing Pokemon Go), get a coffee and chat with colleagues.

4. Try the progressive muscular relaxation

This relaxation technique calms defense reflexes or avoidance of the body, which are high under stress. Concentrate on contracting and then relaxing each muscle group of your body in turn for 5 seconds. You will notice that your heart rate and breathing are slowing down, blood pressure is stabilizing and muscles are relaxing.

5. Stroke the dog from the office (or from a nearby park)

Stroking or playing with a dog lowers blood pressure, releases wellness hormones like oxytocin, and limits the production of cortisol, a stress hormone.

6. Practice deep breathing

You do not need to be on a yoga mat to enjoy the benefits of deep breathing: reduce your blood pressure, promote relaxation and soothe your central nervous system. It is a quick and easy method to relax without anyone noticing, even in a crowded office. Inhale by counting to four, and then exhale at the same rate.

7. Listen to music

Music, especially classical, is a very effective way to de-stresss, slow down your heart rate, lower blood pressure and lower the level of negative stress hormones. It can also boost your self-esteem and put you in a good mood.

8. Try guided meditation

Recent studies have shown that a few minutes of meditation each day is enough to influence your stress level. This activity improves attention skills, cognitive performance, and gray matter density in the brain. You can download free best meditation apps, listen to guided meditation podcasts on iTunes, or watch a video on YouTube to achieve inner peace without leaving your office.

9. Look out the window

Take two or three minutes to look out the window and let your mind escape. Watching nature (the real thing, not on a computer screen!) Helps to relax your body and slow down your heart rate. Reverie is an effective way to stimulate creativity and solve problems.

10. Call a friend

Proximity to close friends reduces the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. The fact of talking with a friend triggers a "mechanism of relaxation" of the body indeed. So, the next time you're worried before a presentation to a new client, make a phone call to a friend or mom.

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About the Author

Teacher-turned online blogger, Shirley is a full-time backyard homesteader based in Virginia. When she doesn't have her face buried in a book or striding in her garden, she's busy blogging about simple life hacks of the daily life.

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Author: Shirley Balerio
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Shirley Balerio

Member since: May 02, 2017
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