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Engineering Design Process - Avantika University

Author: Avantika University
by Avantika University
Posted: Dec 06, 2019

Significance of engineering design processEngineering is an amalgamation of art and science whereby solutions to every problem is determined through an agile method starting with the analysis of the problem. It is a field which delves deeper into the problems and strives hard to find a solution in order to make intricate things effortless.The process of design & production of a pen, knife, automobile, smartphone, cycle or any other thing takes up a lot of creativity, innovation, skills and abilities to turn thoughts into reality. However, all this is not done instantly but executed in a methodical manner through the engineering design process. By definition, the engineering design process is a sequential process followed by the engineers to bring out a solution to the problem.UnderstandingUnderstanding of problems and every aspect of it is a crucial segment of the designing process and the foremost step into the commencement of a project. This is a phase which facilitates understanding of basic facts in order to brainstorm possible solutions.ExplorationEngineering is one of the fields which push one beyond the basic ideas thereby exploring new ways of doing things. Considering the problems and segmenting it into different sections and then exploring various ways and methods to deal with the real problems allow you to explore into areas which are untouched, and this leads to innovation. Factors like the area of interest, structure, complexity and environment of the problems are considered and then a suitable design is created.LearningOne never stops learning at any stage of his life. In the case of engineering, one has to work in teams, interact with numerous people from various walks of life and communicate. This is what leads to the constant learning of new ideas and facts every day. The models are created in the design process and they are tested as well as scrutinized various times. This allows checking of errors and seeking improvement thereby allowing the engineers to learn with every project. There is an inflow of various ideas to improve the design and to grow your knowledge.PerfectionismDetailing enhances the look and appeal of a product or structure. No one wants to buy a bulky phone but obviously want to buy a sleek, well detailed and well-designed phone, because the latter is appealing and attractive. Well detailed designs are a requirement in engineering because it leads to a perfect masterpiece like The Burj Khalifa. It is through the engineering design process that well-detailed products can be developed.Undoubtedly, the engineering design process leads to ground-breaking products. At Avantika University we train our young engineering aspirants to apply engineering design methodology in every single project. Avantika is a part of the reputed MIT Pune and is the only design-centered university of India. Its design college is considered among the best design colleges in India. Apply for admission right away and enhance your employability.The design centric learning at Avantika is focused on what really matters in life and aligned with the needs of students and society. The Avantika model emphasizes student choice and voice, multidisciplinary learning, and societal impact, coupled with a breadth of student experience outside the classroom, outside traditional disciplines and across the world. Avantika offers an experience not traditionally associated with undergraduate study, including research opportunities, industry internships, social and global immersion, incubation support, live projects, and exchange with international universities.

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Avantika is India’s first Design Centered University, driven by the spirit of Design Thinking. #IndustrialDesign, #CommunicationDesign, #ExperienceDesign #BDes

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Author: Avantika University

Avantika University

Member since: Feb 25, 2019
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