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What are the types of brakes used in cars?

Author: Tyler Roberts
by Tyler Roberts
Posted: Dec 18, 2019

Brakes are an integral part of any vehicle, as it is impossible to drive without them. On one hand, the break system that serves to slow down your vehicle should not weak. On the other hand, it should not be too strong either. If the brake system is too strong, we will be exposed to the ill effects of sudden brake application. We might end up hitting the front seat too abruptly!

"A body continues to be in its state of rest or of motion unless external force acts on the same" – This is one of Newton’s laws of motion and the braking system is strongly related to it. A weak braking system will lead to increase of stopping distance, which in turn is dangerous enough to cause accidents. So at any given time on the road, if you feel like your brakes are off, immediately search for ‘car service near me

  • on Google and get help before something grave happens.

Development in the field of braking technology has furthered the designing of brakes in such a way that the vehicle stops at a safe distance and there is no discomfort caused to the passenger.

How Does the Braking System Work?

Firstly, with the help of friction, various different components of the brake system convert the vehicle’s moving energy into heat. Both Kinetic and static forms of friction play a part in controlling your car’s movement. The brakes apply a static surface to the moving surface of the vehicle. This causes friction to convert kinetic energy into heat energy.

When your car is in motion, rough-textured brake shoes press against the rotating disc or drum causing momentum or kinetic energy. The friction caused by rubbing surfaces of the brake system slows the momentum down. If you reside in the Brisbane area, try searching for ‘car service Brisbane’ and head over to the one with the best ratings to clarify your queries and understand better.

What are the different types of braking system?

The braking system is a style associated with the action of braking. It takes into consideration actual mechanics whereas ‘brakes’ refer to merely the mechanical equipment used to carry out the process.

Hydraulic Braking System

Break pads stop the wheels from moving by creating pressure formed with the help of brake fluid, cylinders, and friction.

Electromagnetic braking system

In this system, electronic brakes force the car into stopping use an electric motor. This is usually found in newer and hybrid vehicles

Servo braking system

Also known as ‘vacuum assisted braking’, the driver puts augmented pressure on the pedal, making the vehicle stop.

Mechanical braking system

Involving the hand brake or emergency brake, this system is based on application of brakes through mechanical linkage.

What are the different types of brakes?

Disc Brakes

These are made up of a disc brake rotor, caliper, and brake pads. With pressure applied through a hydraulic system, pushing the break pads against the rotor stops the car.

Drum brakes

These types of brakes are made up of the brake drum, brake shoes, wheel cylinder and brake springs. Pressure is applied to the wheel cylinder, with the brake shoes being contained within the drum. The brake shoes press against the drum and make the car stop. Once you take you foot off the pedal, the brake springs pull the shoes away from the drum and reduce any dragging movement.

Anti-lock brakes

There is an ongoing debate about whether these fall under a type of brakes, a type of braking system, or simply, a safety measure. These, as the name suggests, these make the act of sudden braking smoother for your car. Since the wheels are prevented from locking up as an abrupt brake is applied, skidding in wet conditions and overall stopping can be controlled smoothly through anti-lock brakes.

About the Author

Tyler Roberts is an experienced blogger, and marketing executive. Have 4+ years of experience in blogging.

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Author: Tyler Roberts

Tyler Roberts

Member since: Jul 21, 2019
Published articles: 5

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