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10 tips for buying a condo in Toronto

Author: Chris Cornell
by Chris Cornell
Posted: Jan 12, 2020

Condos in Toronto remain mostly highly demanded in Canada. Everyone is dreaming about settling in the most advancing Canadian city at least for a section of their lifetime. To some, situations comprising of jobs, the family seizes, and lifestyle choices are pushing them to seek a settlement in Toronto. Therefore, securing a condo in this city would be the most favorite choice for an investor. But, how do you secure these rare commodities that are often booked during preconstruction? We take you through some sure ten guidelines you can use to acquire a condo.

1. Look for preconstruction condos

Timing is a fundamental aspect of the acquisition of condos in Toronto. The sooner you get a better deal, the sooner you got to settle for it because the next day it won't be there. Unlike the majority of 'Chatterboxes’ with false contentions, we advise that you should consider preconstruction condo starting this 2020. The main reason is that the resale condos might not probably return enough profits, besides being more costly and also scarce.

Therefore for an investor, getting a condo just during the planning time is more profitable. But for home seekers, it is, in fact, the most lucrative deal you should grab. Imagine being part of the design and advice to the constructors of your future home! It is an amazing desire for everyone. As such, considering Festival Condos and many more pre-construction condos must be your priority.

But it is not just about the influence you might have but it gives you a durable condo, friendly environment, and a wide range of options. Durability comes from the fact that you are the first occupant of the condo hence you might not have to do any repairs on anything for about fifteen to twenty years ahead. A friendly environment means cool and free form disturbances. Wide choice means you got so many units yet to be booked hence you can select your most favorite spot within the property.

2. Check building amenities

Your lifestyle is pegged on the number of conveniences availed within the condo. Do you love the gym, sports, or swimming? For whichever hobby, make sure you settle for a condo that will enhance it and not vice versa. Remember that excess of the amenities means more prices for the condo, so only limit to what means much to you.

3. Study the Neighborhood

Check all the features surrounding the condo and find out if all niceties can be easily obtained from the neighborhood. Restaurants, schools, hospitals, and recreational features should be captivators to accepting to purchase a condo.

4. Revise your finances

While you try to incline yourself towards your dream home or investment plan, remember to stick to your budget. Buying a condo should not strain you financially that you cannot have peace of mind. Therefore make sure you recheck the prices, weigh the worthiness before making any further step.

5. Check where to park

For your car and that of friends, you should always make sure that there is ample parking lot within the condo. Festival Condos offers too much of parking slot. There are spaces reserved for residents and extra space for none residents. Such is a condo that you should prioritize. It would be very difficult to sell a condo that lacks space for parking if you are investing. But again it will be terrible to live in a place where you can't park if you see the residence.

6. Quality of construction

The constructor of your condo determines your safety, and durability of the condo and its facilities. For preconstruction condo, you got an easy way towards investigating the contractors before you make a choice. Only settle for Likes of Festival Condos with the renowned contractors like Menkes if at all, you need value for your money.

7. Location of the condo

Toronto is large, it got leafy suburbs and busy estates within the industrial regions. Settle to the place that guarantees ease of access to your place of work and some major necessary features for your life. Transit ranking of 77, walking ranking of 38 and riding ranking of 45, Festival Condos Vaughan might be a better option.

8. Buy during winter

The moment when so many developers usually offer their condos is during spring when they know the demand will be higher than normal. The high demand means higher prices. But in spring when the offer falls, the price tags go down with shrinking listings.

9. Revise homeowners association

The above matters in determining the amount you might have to spend on a monthly basis for the sake of maintenance. They also dictate how you will live within the condo since they are the authors of by-laws.

10.Buy immediately if it meets the above criteria's

You cannot be sure of easily getting a condo that might be with the above descriptions. But you could get into with time. Never waste time, book immediately and close the deal soon.


Buying condo in Toronto can turn out to be most profitable as well as best living place only if you stay disciplined to the mentioned ten tips. We have only given the most relevant aspects that are current to the existing market.

About the Author

Chris Cornell is a full time freelancer writer who deals in writing with various niche like Technology, Business, Health, Automobile, Real estate and many more.

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Author: Chris Cornell

Chris Cornell

Member since: Jan 08, 2020
Published articles: 1

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