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6 Key IoT Use Cases in Healthcare

Author: Rasika Joshi
by Rasika Joshi
Posted: Feb 14, 2020

IoT has the potential ability to make a huge impact on healthcare. The evolving developments in the Internet of Things (IoT) have many exciting inferences for the future of healthcare.

Advantages involve well-planned decision-making and better patient outcomes. The rise in the IoT has generated some exciting developments in our homes, manufacturing facilities and smart factories in the same way IoT can also make huge differences in other industries too.

In the healthcare industry, IoT has remarkably minimized costs and even saved lives.

Let’s see a few of its use cases

To inform an adjustment of therapies

IoT enables physicians to collect a lot of data about their patients that can be utilized to notify the therapies they prescribe. For example, a patient has been on a certain treatment for a while, but the progress or results lie outside of the expected structure.

IoT can decide that results are not where they should be and potentially make directions to physicians depend upon an algorithm.

Physicians can then utilize this data and take into account any recommendations through the technology to make a specific adjustment to the therapies they prescribe.

Remote Health and Monitoring

In a few cases, patients don’t even have to visit a hospital. One of the most apparent and well-known applications of healthcare and the IoT is in remote health monitoring — sometimes also called telehealth.

It not only reduces costs and eliminates the need for some visitations, but it also assists to enhance the patient’s quality of living by saving them from the inconvenience of travel.

IoT plays an important role in remote healthcare and monitoring. Data can be seized through sensors in medical devices and shared in real-time with physicians. For instance, key indicators such as blood pressure, glucose levels and weight can be analyzed remotely.

There are a number of new sensors that have been constructed to analyze other potential early indicators of problems. Such indicators are essential for physicians to interpret early on if there may be any rise in symptoms of chronic disease.

Assuring the Availability and Accessibility of Critical Hardware

Modern hospitals need next-gen software and hardware to function properly some are even utilized to save or support human life.

Like all electronic devices, these equipment are susceptible to numerous infirmities— from power outages to system failures — that could be a matter of life or death. Crucial medical devices, specifically those utilized to assist health or human life require to reliably run at all times.

However such devices can break down or experience concerns such as system failures. If a device is not ready for utilization purposes when it’s required, there’s often a possibility of resulting harm to the patient.

IoT sensors on medical devices can assist those machines to estimate and assess their device health. This data can then be provided to the hospital. These people are then capable to take a proactive perspective to maintain the device.

Tracking Staff, Patients and Inventory

Safety is the prime concern of any hospital or medical facility — or at least it should be. It is difficult to maintain the supreme amount of security without the capability to track assets — staff members, patients and inventory— throughout the building.

Many are moving to the IoT and real-time location systems to make asset tracking possible. Not only it is an economical method of monitoring day-to-day activities in a hospital setting, but it’s reserved, effective and cutting-edge.

Improved Drug Management

One of the most powerful development regarding healthcare and IoT comes in new standards of prescription medication. There are three different ways in which IoT in healthcare can support better drug management:

1. The first one is to interpret how much medication was managed. For example, if you think about managing an inhaler, particularly to a young child, it is often difficult to measure how much medication has been given.

Sensors in the inhaler can assist to analyze this exactly, so physicians can then also construct a plan of action of how much medication is utilized and whether the amount of medication as a whole is efficient.

  1. IoT can support to estimate whether medication is being occupied or where it is being absorbed in the body. For instance, there are drugs with sensors built in that analyze medication as it is given.
  2. The third way IoT assists is that physicians are capable to analyze whether patients are following recommended medication treatment or dosages. The patient themselves could be prompted with an alert that they require to take their medication.

In few cases perhaps an alert could even be sent to an assigned family member if they have not taken their medication as per their recommended schedule.

Addressing Chronic Disease

Repeating health problems are never exciting, but big developments are being made in the treatment of such concerns— and much of it is a straight result of the IoT.

There is not one innovation or device that’s assisting treat chronic disease in the 21st century — it’s the mixture of wearable tech, next-gen analytics and mobile connectivity.

Utilities like Fitbit utilize the IoT to analyze personal health — such data can be shared with a doctor to support solve recurring concerns.

Right now from better patient care to dynamic management of devices, to more effective systems in hospitals and other settings, there are various applications for IoT in healthcare.

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Author: Rasika Joshi

Rasika Joshi

Member since: May 22, 2019
Published articles: 68

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