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5 Key Elements in the Management of a Classroom

Posted: Apr 18, 2020
The term "Classroom Management" is really broad and can be approached from completely different points of view. Depending on where we analyze it, we will find disparate strategies when creating a development space in them. However, all the elements that we could talk about will follow the same objective: to create a space where the magic of learning takes place in the most effective way possible.
As I said, we can attend to many elements but there are some that seem essential to us when planning everything that can happen in our classrooms. If we had to distinguish the 5 key elements, this would be our choice: space, time, subject, students and teacher.
1. THE SPACEFor us it is the physical place where the teaching-learning experience occurs among all the protagonists of it, that is, the different students and the teacher. Regarding space, some of the elements that we can take into account would be:
- The?distribution of tables and chairs?in the space itself (in more traditional classrooms) or even the placement of materials or necessary aspects in more alternative classrooms (for example, a Surf class, a basketball training or a dance class).
- Disposition of the students in the space itself as this will mark their possibilities of viewing the class, listening and even their participation in it.
- The disposition, movements, and movements of the teacher himself in the same space since this type of detail can cause the attention of his students to fluctuate.
2. THE TIMETime is such a valuable resource that often goes unnoticed not only in the classroom but in life itself. Curiously, time is the only resource that cannot be recovered, multiplied, or divided.
Every minute you spend in a classroom is a minute that won't come back, that's why it's so important to put it to really valuable use. Some of the elements to consider would be:
- The time available for a certain class and the distribution that we are going to do with it. It is important to plan in detail and make forecasts of it so that we do not run out of time or with the feeling that we lacked time to transmit what is necessary.
- Notice how the attention of the students and our own fluctuates over time in order to find valuable tools that reactivate the classroom from time to time.
3. THE MATTERBy this we mean not only the subject, subject or class itself but also all those resources, materials, activities, etc. that we can use in that space during the time that we have available. Some of the elements to consider would be:
- Methodologies that we can use and how each of these will be better or worse received by students.
- Material resources that can influence motivation and the level of attention that students place on the subject being studied. The fact of activating our senses to use the different resources strengthens learning much more than if they simply dedicated themselves to listening to what we transmit to them.
- Non-material resources that are present since they enter a classroom such as the skills that the teacher has developed over time, whether to transmit information, to persuade them about any action or even to make them enjoy the simple process of learning.
4. THE STUDENTSWe are clearly referring to those great protagonists of formation, those without whom our task as trainers, teachers, trainers, teachers, and teachers would make no sense. Some of the elements that we can take into account when managing our students would be:
- The distinctive characteristics of each group that make the experience of being a teacher different in each classroom. Characteristics such as the number of students in the classroom, ages, interactions between them, expectations, interests, likes, fears and many other aspects that will give the group personality.
- The previous experiences that they have lived either as a group or even the experiences and learning that each member of the group comes with.
- The problems of interaction between them or even with you as a teacher: depending on your skills, your ability to be creative in complicated situations or even your ability to see problems as a challenge, you can achieve classroom management that develops the best of each of them and that makes you grow as a teacher.
5. THE TEACHERAnother of the great protagonists or the most relevant in classroom management will be the teacher himself since the task of leadership of all the above factors ends up being your greatest responsibility. For this, some elements that we can take into account would be:
- The knowledge that you have developed over time not only through formal education but through all those experiences and situations that you are living in a classroom.
- The skills that allow you to manage in one way or another with the available space you have in the classroom, with the time you have, material and non-material resources and, above all, with the ability to move and reach each of the students that are part of the great experience that you have before yourself.
- Attitudes towards education in general, the teaching-learning process, attitudes towards yourself, towards students and even your way of understanding life. Attitudes are that element that even if you are not aware that they are there, students can distinguish from the first minute you put your feet in the classroom. As I was saying, these are the elements that can make classroom management really successful or, on the contrary, become very ineffective.
Conclusion:Classtrix is a coaching class management software provider that is specially designed for the management of the coaching institute’s database. Classtrix helps education-based businesses in their growth. They work as a digital partner for various coaching classes by helping them and contribute to the institute’s growth. They are experts in making digital products for improving the effectiveness of your business.
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I am a passionate content writer. I write for fun.
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