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Astrological portrait of Virgo ascendant by Capricorn | Worldastro

Author: World Astro
by World Astro
Posted: May 20, 2020

As a couple, your partner can count on you because you turn out to be solid and reliable. You need to protect your other half and you know how to be very attentive. Although you do not reveal a bonus on board, you have a great sensitivity which you hide behind your shell. Commitment is something serious for you and when you formalize your union, it is for life.

  • Character:

Cartesian, in your home, reason and reflection dominate, which makes you profoundly lack spontaneity. Reserved and introverted, you find it difficult to reach out to others and more than all the other signs of the zodiac, you need to feel completely confident in order to deliver. Worldastro and You operate on a unique way of thinking and you tend to be inflexible, even sometimes narrow-minded. To feel good, you need to be surrounded by many habits.

  • Silver:

You love money and you worship it! Your success depends on a well-filled wallet and many bank accounts. Materialist at heart, for you everything counts, is quantified... You do your accounts regularly with great diligence and you know how to capitalize your assets. You never spend at random and all your purchases are considered.

  • Job:

Real workaholic, your activity is a bit of a refuge and you invest a lot in all your projects. Ambitious, tenacious, determined, when you have a goal in mind, you don't easily give it up. Straight, square, rational, chance has no place in your professional daily life. Lonely, you don't like to depend on someone and you want to manage your work time as you see fit. A bit wild, you don't like teamwork and you have a lot of trouble depending on a hierarchy.

  • Orientations from Worldastro:

Sciences, technology, data processing, research, medicine, genetics, mathematics, biology, physics, geriatrics, gerontology, rheumatology, kinesiology…, agrifood, agriculture (cereal, agronomist, cultivator, producer...), education, history, genealogy, archeology, paleontology, economics..., senior administration, banking, financial or land advice, management of building or apartment, notaries, insurance, architecture, help for the sick or the elderly, analysis, positions of responsibility, self-employment, documentation or information, psychology, etc.

  • Affective:

Double earth sign, you often stabilize very late. Demanding, straightforward and cerebral, love is not your main concern and you prefer to think about your career. It is not at this price that you feel solid enough to assume a couple and a family with you best astrologer in Etobicoke.

You are a Virgo ascendant Capricorn and you want to complete the reading of your astrological portrait with the meaning of your ascendant? Calculate the astrological ascendant of your sign on Cosmo and discover how your ascendant influences your astro personality. Character, work, love, money and well-being, our astrologer, Nirwair Ji; Genuine astrologers in Etobicoke reveals what the stars say about you!

  • Well-being:

True rock, you know how to face many events. Thus, you have a great resistance which allows you to resist stress and overwork. Your energies are slow and so is your recovery time.

  • Your weak points are:

epidermis, pelvis, digestive system.

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Author: World Astro

World Astro

Member since: Apr 16, 2020
Published articles: 8

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