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Different Types of Property Law Assignments You Will Get to Work On

Author: Lexi Edwards
by Lexi Edwards
Posted: Apr 20, 2020

Property law is one of the most important laws that students study

during their education. You will learn about the theories of privateproperty and along with that approach, you need to adapt to classilyother real estate and personal property.

The property law assignments that you will undertake will help youunderstand the intricacies that arise at the moment of acquisition andenforcement of land. Not only this, these assignments will also help youunderstand more about this profession and prepare you well in advancefor your career.

A lot of students struggle at these assignment because when they feelstuck at certain point, they do not wish to approach to property lawassignment help providers. But to keep yourself from losing any marks,you need to make sure that you do not hesitate in asking for help frompeople around you who have more knowledge than you in this subject.So, before moving further, let’s discuss the kind of assignments youmight get to work on:

? Assignments on Doctrine of Precedents: In such assignments,there are generally no laws that you need to follow. Hence,precedents are the only support you have.

? Assignments on Possession, Seizing, and Title: Under theseassignments, along with the common law that you will study, youwill also need to study the recommendations provided underALRC.

? Assignments on Advising a Client: Okay, so in this kind ofassignments, you will need to conduct a proper research andinvestigate into the matter before you say anything to your client.You may have one or even more than one clients to deal with inthese assignments.

Now that you are well-aware of the kinds of assignments, you might getto work on, let us move on to the format you need to follow to completeit.

Your university will provide you the detailed format that you need tofocus on and because that format may vary from university to university,hence it will not be covered in this article. Now, let’s move forward tocertain elements of this format suggested by assignment help expertsthat you need to give special attention to.

? IRAC: It stands for Issue-Rule-Application-Conclusion. This isthe format that you will generally follow in your new lawassignments.

? Letter of Advice: This is the letter that you give to your client as aproof of the advice you have provided to them.

? Legal Memo: This is a legal memorandum that presents andapplies the research and analysis to the facts of the case.

Here are some of the most common mistakes that students make in theirproperty law assignments. Make sure that you read these carefully toprevent yourself from making them.

? Not presenting the authority for legal principles mentioned by youin the assignment.? Not being able to give a clear conclusion to the case.? Not using law related vocabulary.? Not being able to find the link between the law and the issuesunder your study.

All the best!

Summary: This article sheds light on different types of property lawassignments that students are assigned during their course.

About the Author

The author is a former accountancy professor and an academic writer associated with Assignment Desk. She likes to read and research new topics in her free time.

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Author: Lexi Edwards

Lexi Edwards

Member since: Oct 04, 2019
Published articles: 17

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