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Online Digital Marketing Course in India - Kamalo

Author: Kamalo Course
by Kamalo Course
Posted: Apr 27, 2020

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s an ever evolving landscape that sometimes spins off wildly into new directions.

For example, what most marketers considered as nothing more than a smartphone gimmick only a few years ago has now evolved into voice search, that is showing a rapid growth.

This happens a lot in the field of digital marketing. What starts off as a seemingly inconsequential change, suddenly transforms into an entirely new scenario in how buyers search, evaluate, and make purchasing decisions online.

Kamalo is an Online Digital Marketing Course in Indiathat teaches students how to successfully navigate the often choppy waters of digital marketing and sales.

So, without further ado, here are the top 5 Digital Marketing Trends in the year 2020:

1. Shoppable Posts

By now, we’re all aware that social media plays a huge role in online marketing. What you might not be aware of is just how many people shop on social media. 60% of Instagram users discovered new products on Instagram and in around 4,000 Pinterest users, 70% said they used Pinterest to find new products.

In recent years, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook have all developed ways for ecommerce stores to create shoppable posts using a native integration that facilitates tagging and shopping products directly in your posts. For online retailers, this is a brilliant method of driving traffic to product pages.

For example, a retailer puts a photo on their feed and when you tap the photo, the product name and price appears. When you tap the price and you’ll be redirected to a screen with more information and the option to view the item on the official website. From this screen, the customer can scroll and see more products as well.

2. Stories

Snapchat’s release in 2017, signified the first social media platform to develop the "story" – a brief and cute picture or video messages that only stays for 24 hours. As the story became a feature of other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it is no longer restricted to millennials and gen z. Now businesses, large and small, use them to increase brand awareness and have the opportunity to interact with a younger customer base. If you want to increase your digital presence, try stories on Snapchat, Instagram, and even Facebook.

3. Chatbots Chatbots are artificial intelligence (AI) softwares that act like a virtual "butler". They communicate with users and help them complete their goals. Chatbots interact with humans naturally, by mainly using text chat windows, but also facilitates verbal interactions.

Throughout 2018 and 2019, chatbots became a regular feature on Facebook, by the tens of thousands, for many tasks. They easily handle everything from providing weather reports to automating some basic customer support functions using their sophisticated software. Bots lets users get personalized, focused interactions without affecting limited human resources too much.

The benefits of chatbots are many, such as:

  • 24-hour service? Instant responses to customer queries? No need for breaks, vacations, or overtime pay

A research conducted, found that 43% of consumers prefer messaging an online chatbot rather than to phone customer service centers. Chatbots are predicted to be one of the fastest-growing digital marketing trends in 2020.

4. Video Marketing

Text-based content cannot compete with the power of video marketing online. In a world obsessed with mobiles, people watch more videos than ever before and share videos about everything, learning more about brands, and what they offer.

70% of consumers have shared a brand’s video.52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them seem reliable and guides their decision to purchase the product online.72% of businesses have seen video content improve their conversion rates.

Video marketing is very-engaging, especially if it's a live video. Live streaming is an amazing method of digital marketing along with influencer marketing. Whether it's the new generation of social media influencers or traditional celebrities, athletes, and musicians, having a live stream with an influencer who communicates directly with user’s comments is a huge draw.

5. Good Content With Context Still Matters

Content marketing is an essential tool of digital marketing, although now there's more emphasis on nuance, context and targeting in content.

The new BERT update of Google released in November 2019 introduced a new algorithm that helps it gain better understanding of the natural language in user search queries. Google advises that "rather than chase the latest SEO trends, it’s more important to ensure a site has fast speeds, useful links, and well-written content."

Make sure you use in-depth, accurate, current content that is closely aligned with the user's interest.

If you find Digital Marketing interesting, you can undergo Kamalo Digital Marketing Training Program that’ll help you in enhancing your Digital Marketing skills & earn from home by taking your career to the next level.

For further information on Kamalo Course, please visit

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Hello, I'm Sweena. I am here to provide information about Kamalo Online Digital Marketing Course. For more information, plz visit

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Author: Kamalo Course

Kamalo Course

Member since: Apr 15, 2020
Published articles: 6

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