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The Leviathan Energy Field

Author: Natural Gas
by Natural Gas
Posted: Apr 30, 2020

The population of the world grows in numbers as the days pass us by. Most people always seem to be in a hurry, to go somewhere, to do something. These boats, cars, buses and planes need energy, gas and oil to their estranged destinations. Whenever I think of an oil refinery or oil basins, I automatically reflect on the Beverly Hillbillies, there was no oil basin in the show but they struck oil just like refineries do. I have a very youthful imagination and I can still picture that "liquid gold" shooting up from the ground. I know that is a reference from a simple television show, but I never considered how important gas fields and oil basins are. How much of a role these establishments play a role in a typical day. We have not only utilized energy fields and oil basins inland, but however off-shore as well. On the coast of some breathtaking beaches are essential energy fields and oil basins. In the Eastern Mediterranean, an oil reservoir brings promises of national and regional market and economic growth for the state of Israel and that oil basins is the Leviathan Gas Field.

The Leviathan gas field is located in the East Mediterranean coast near the state of Israel. The Levant basin is currently under development, however, promises an increase of gas and energy to the people in the state of Israel. The reservoir was launched in early 2017 and will coast around $3.5 billion to complete. The Leviathan field Israel will be constructed of pipelines that will help carry over 21 BCM of natural gas a year which is twice the current capacity at the sister company, located close by. By creating the Leviathan field, the pipelines that carry the gas will be able to carry twice as much and assist with energy redundancy which will help boost the Israeli economy, by creating new opportunities to use these resources.

In 1991 a company was combined and founded leading deep watering drilling off the coast of Israel, this company was named Delek Drilling. From 1991 until 2009, Delek Drilling started to partner with other companies, some amongst the coast of the East Mediterranean and one amongst the United States coast to form a significant contribution to Israel's energy independence. These combined companies discovered the world's largest reservoir in deep water, which was the Leviathan reservoir discovery. Even though the reservoir was discovered in 2010 by Delek Drilling and their partners, the final investment decision and the initial development stage did not take place until 2017.

The development and placement of the Leviathan reservoir in Israel was strategically placed to be an anchor to the neighboring companies around its vicinity. The basins combined will assist with a faster and larger movement of natural gas and energy to ensure the demands for the resources are met by the Isreal community and communities that surround the area. In the reservoir alone, there is enough contents within the basin to assist Israel with its energy demands for 40 years, and the development is not yet completed. As long as there is a need for energy in Israel, there will always be energy in Israel.

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Author: Natural Gas

Natural Gas

Member since: Mar 27, 2020
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