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Introduction to REST APIs

Author: Rajesh Nada
by Rajesh Nada
Posted: Jun 16, 2020

What Is REST?

The abbreviation REST represents REpresentational State Transfer. It was term initially authored by Roy Fielding, who was likewise the creator of the HTTP convention. The striking component of REST administrations is that they need to utilize HTTP. How about we presently have a snappy diagram of HTTP.

The HTTP Protocol

At the point when you enter a URL, for example, in the program, a solicitation is sent to the server on the site recognized by the URL. That server at that point reacts with a reaction. The significant thing is the configurations of these solicitations and reactions. These arrangements are characterized by a convention called HTTP — Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

At the point when you type in a URL at the program, it conveys a GET solicitation to the distinguished server. The server at that point answers with a HTTP reaction that contains information in HTML — Hyper Text Markup Language. The program at that point takes this HTML and presentations it on your screen.

Suppose you are filling in a structure present on a site page with a rundown of subtleties. In such a situation when you click the Submit button, a HTTP POST demand gets conveyed to the server.

Before we jump into what makes an API RESTful and what requirements and rules you ought to follow in the event that you need to make RESTful APIs, we should clarify 2 key terms:

  1. Client — the client is the individual or programming who utilizes the API. It very well may be a designer, for instance you, as an engineer, can utilize Twitter API to peruse and compose information from Twitter, make another tweet and accomplish more activities in a program that you compose. Your program will call Twitter's API. The client can likewise be an internet browser. At the point when you go to Twitter site, your program is the client who calls Twitter API and utilizations the returned information to render data on the screen.
  2. Resource — an asset can be any article the API can give data about. In Instagram's API, for instance, an asset can be a client, a photograph, a hashtag. Every asset has a one of a kind identifier. The identifier can be either a name or a number.

HTTP and RESTful Web Services

HTTP gives the base layer to building web administrations. Hence, it is essential to get HTTP. Here are a couple of key reflections.


An Resource is a key deliberation that HTTP places round. An asset is anything you need to open to the outside world through your application. For example, on the off chance that we compose a task the board application, cases of assets are:

A specific user

A specific todo

A list of todos

Resource URIs

At the point when you create RESTful administrations, you have to concentrate your speculation on the assets in the application. The manner in which we recognize an asset to uncover, is to relegate a URI — Uniform Resource Identifier — to it.

Resource Representation

REST doesn't stress over how you speak to your asset. It could be XML, HTML, JSON, or something totally unique! The main significant thing is you obviously characterize your asset and play out whatever activities that are bolstered on it by utilizing highlights previously gave by HTTP.

A RESTful web application uncovers data about itself as data about its assets. It likewise empowers the client to take activities on those assets, for example, make new assets (for example make another client) or change existing assets (for example alter a post).

All together for your APIs to be RESTful, you need to follow a lot of limitations when you keep in touch with them. The REST set of limitations will make your APIs simpler to use and furthermore simpler to find, which means a designer who is simply beginning to utilize your APIs will have a simpler time figuring out how to do as such.

REST represents Representational State Transfer.

It implies when a RESTful API is called, the server will move to the client a portrayal of the condition of the mentioned asset.

The portrayal of the state can be in a JSON position, and presumably for most APIs this is to be sure the situation. It can likewise be in XML or HTML design.

What the server does when you, the client, call one of its APIs relies upon 2 things that you have to give to the server:

  1. An identifier for the asset you are keen on. This is the URL for the asset, otherwise called the endpoint. Truth be told, URL represents Uniform Resource Locator.
  2. The activity you need the server to perform on that asset, as a HTTP strategy, or action word. The regular HTTP techniques are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

For instance, bringing a particular Twitter client, utilizing Twitter's RESTful API, will require a URL that recognizes that client and the HTTP technique GET.

The HTTP strategy GET demonstrates that we need to get the condition of the client.

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About the Author

I am a digital marketing analyst working in It Services company. I like drawing, painting, writing articles and many more.

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Author: Rajesh Nada

Rajesh Nada

Member since: Sep 07, 2019
Published articles: 47

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