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Different treatment methods for Bursitis

Author: Vivek Waghmare
by Vivek Waghmare
Posted: Jun 19, 2020

Bursitis is a painful inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a fluid-filled closed sac that works as a cushion and lubricates the surface between tissues such as bone, tissues, muscles, tendons, and skin. The major bursas are located near tendons of large joints such as shoulder, elbow, knees, and hips.

Bursitis is usually a temporary condition. It may limit your mobility but does not cause the deformity of the joint. The pain may come gradually or sudden severe burst of pain.

The common types of bursitis are:-

  • Retromalleolar tendon bursitis (Albert disease) causes pain in the bursa in front of the Achilles tendon and the heel. The inflammation can be because of an injury or disease.
  • Posterior Achilles tendon bursitis or Haglund deformity. It causes pain in the bursa between the skin of your heel and the Achilles tendon. Walking in hardback support shoes can aggravate bursitis.
  • Hip bursitis or trochanteric bursitis can be caused by an injury, fatigue, spinal deformities, arthritis or surgery. Hip bursitis usually affects middle-aged or older women.
  • Elbow bursitis is caused when the bursa between your skin and elbow is inflamed. It can due to an injury or continuous pressure on the elbow.
  • Knee bursitis or goosefoot bursitis or Pes Anserine bursitis. The bursa can be found between the shinbone and the hamstring muscle tendon. This can be caused by skipping warm-up exercises before a workout.
  • Kneecap bursitis (Prepatellar bursitis) is a common injury in people who work on their knees.


If you have bursitis, the joint affected may show the following symptoms:-

  • Be painful and stiff.
  • Hurt more when pressed or when you move.
  • It looks swollen and red. It is warm when touched.

Book an orthopedic doctor in Patna if the condition if you have-

  • Extreme pain in the joint.
  • Unable to move the joint
  • The affected joint is swollen, red and bruised or
  • Sharp pain after the exertion of the joint.
  • Fever.


Bursitis is caused by repetitive movement or repeated minor impact of the affected area. It can also be caused by an injury or trauma to the affected area or other medical conditions such as arthritis and gout. Bursitis increases with age.


The best orthopedic doctor in Patna will start with a thorough examination of your medical history and physical examination of the affected bursitis. They may order the following medical tests:-

  • Imaging tests such as X-ray or ultrasound, MRI. Though X-ray cannot confirm bursitis. They can exclude other medical conditions. The other imaging tests may be ordered if the doctor is unable to locate bursitis.
  • Blood tests at home to rule out other conditions.
  • Sample of fluid from the inflamed joint.


The best orthopedic doctor in Patna tries to reduce the pain and inflammation and preserve the mobility of the joint. They may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Inject corticosteroid injections can relieve intense pains. They may opt to surgically drain bursitis. Use RICE (Rest, ice, compression, and elevation) may help reduce the symptoms.

The orthopedic near me may recommend a physiotherapist in Patna to teach you exercises or show you how to ease pressure in the affected area. The orthopedic doctor may recommend some support such as a walking stick to ease pressure on the affected joint.

Ayurvedic doctor in Patna may treat bursitis may prescribe oral medication to help manage the pain. The doctor may ask you to apply special herbal oils. They may suggest some yoga asanas to help reduce pain.

About the Author

Vivek waghmare Mba in marketing. Seo intern at ziffytech

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Author: Vivek Waghmare

Vivek Waghmare

Member since: May 07, 2020
Published articles: 7

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