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The 5 Steps to Digital Fortune

Author: Rush Radar
by Rush Radar
Posted: Aug 20, 2020

RushRadar has been launched in 2020 with the clear goal of guiding its subscribers to digital earnings following five simple and solid steps.

At RushRadar we are all about tracking and finding the hottest and latest trends in the cyberworld. Based on vast years of experience and success, we have outlined five essential building blocks for becoming a successful digital entrepreneur, with those in mind, we’ve outlined a unique strategy which we call the 5 Steps to Digital Fortune.

Choose one of our five categories: Cyber Security, eLearning, Content Creation, Web Design or Investing, and then find the latest Articles, Reviews, or Discounts.

The 5 Steps to Digital FortuneCyber Security

If you spend anytime online, your safety should always be yout top priority, if you plan to work and invest online, cyber security becomes even more crucial. Using the best VPN for your needs, running regular anti-malware scans and having strong firewalls along with effective antivirus software are some of the measures you should take in order to keep all your work, assets and investments safe at all times.


With the advancement of technology, access to an unprecedented amount of knowledge became accessible to virtually anyone with an internet connection. The knowledge you can acquire online is absolutely outstanding, in order to acquire knowledge you are no longer required to go to a building, wait for a specific time, pay huge tuitions or travel to specific countries in order to hear from the greatest minds of our times. Nowadays, you can simply turn on your computer and start learning from the most successful people in your field of study, for all these reasons and more, eLearning will make most university degrees and other traditional types of learning become completely obsolete.

Content Creation

Similarly to learning, content creation has also become extremely accessible to most people. Not so long ago, you’d have to invest thousands upon thousands of dollars in a huge professional camera just to get good looking footage, video editing was a tedious process, if you wanted to get photos out of a camera you had to resort to a lab, I could go on and on with countless examples, but I think you get the picture. The current situation is radically different, you can do most of these things by simply resorting to your phone, it’s unbelievable how technology has advanced to a point in time where you can create high quality content almost effortlessly, nowadays there are virtually no limits to your creativity.

Web Design

Whatever your concept is, you need to get it to be seen on the biggest stage of our human history: the internet. Whether you plan to use YouTube, Facebook or any other online platform, there’s no better plan than to have your very own platform. If you limit yourself to private platforms you’ll always run the risk of getting demonitized or deplatformed by these ever more censoring tech giants, this being said, if it fits your concept you should always use them, you should just make sure to always have your own platform beacsue that will be your everlasting stage and nobody will ever rule over it except yourself.


A rule you must always remember in order to keep expanding your wealth is to always reinvest your gains, don’t let your money stay stagnant in your bank account while you earn laughable interest on it, just like previous steps we’ve talked about, investing wisely was once a complex process available for only a select few, nowadays it has been made accessible to virtually everybody, whithin a few hours you can start reinvesting your money in shares, cryptocurrency or other assets, if you follow some simple rules you’re bound to have huge returns, especially in the cryptocurrency market where short term gains can be completely life-changing.

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About the Author

RushRadar is a digital platform publishing articles, reviews, and discounts on Cyber Security, eLearning, Content Creation, Web Design, and Investing.

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Author: Rush Radar

Rush Radar

Member since: Aug 17, 2020
Published articles: 1

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