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Staffing a Team Effort

Author: Uday Patel
by Uday Patel
Posted: Aug 31, 2020
company nascent

The selection process for right candidates is highly important and the success of staffing concerns begins with those responsible themselves. Yes the project managers and specialist that are part of the team need to hone their skills according to the changing environment and the trends. The team character also emphasizes the need that professionals should be human first.

Before the inquiry is received the team should have acclimatized themselves as per the focus of the concern. The need can be diverse and one single unit may not cater to all categories of verticals. IT or technical staffing and other business verticals may need specialization among the selectors which may waver from those in say management recruiting as focus. The unity and cohesion leads to better performance among the specialist acquainted with their core focusing. Hence for a concern hiring in house is first major challenge. Employing the right people in house is an onerous task for a recruitment company in a nascent stage.

With the right professionals in place the business results could lead to being the top in the hiring industry and it matters. Whence a need from a partner is forwarded the process should begin in an organized and efficient manner. This is where innovation and quality delivery counts to separate wheat from chaff.

The first step is to analyze what the client or partner wants. This has to be done carefully keeping the company culture, aspirations and environment in mind. A company at a nascent stage would prefer selection criteria which would differ from a company that is well set and advancing towards its goals. There is more than qualification and skill levels that come into picture; it is a case for a candidate search for a challenging position not just filling the gap.

Eliminating guesswork is the key and more precise analysis should be made during the interview, social media interactions and even casual banter. Deep industry knowledge and acute analysis of character should be used to ascertain capabilities. This is a prerequisite since experience shown on the curriculum vitae may just be the time spent working without assimilation of knowledge or implementation of skills in challenging circumstances. Some professional even after years are on same page as a novice…well nearly. Working in a staid environment does not really create challenging experiences as desired.

Hence an efficient staffing process is organization specific. That means peeping deep into the niche and searching accordingly. This is where deep seated technical or topic specific knowledge of selectors comes into the picture and this has to be topped with analytical ability like an icing on the cake. In spite of all technicalities and involvement of social media it is the human mind that shapes the final results.

While any acquisition campaign may involve maximizing candidate list the focus will always be to discern the right one or best qualified. A vast talent pool is beneficial for all in this business but eventually it is the right fit that matters. This is essential for the partner concerned as well as for building reputation of the agency. This calls for well crafted and highly efficient process. A professional staffing concern should be adaptive to ever changing environment. Reading the business landscape and the trends is of utmost importance.

About the Author

Uday writes often on Indian wildlife especially about the tigers. He works as a naturalist and is fond of travel. Uday also provides search engine optimization service and website contents in English.

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Author: Uday Patel
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Uday Patel

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