Auto Accident Lawyer Las Vegas on the Risk of Texting and Driving

Posted: Oct 16, 2020
Many drivers’ text and drive as they perceive that it is not a problem. People who have not caused an accident due to texting and driving think that it is not a huge deal. However, those who have damaged their car, another person's car, or caused bodily injuries have a different perspective. When distractions such as texting get in the way of a task as important as driving, accidents happen. Any activity that takes your mind, eyes, or hands off the steering wheel is considered a distraction. When you are distracted, you may hit a car or someone, or the other driver who is distracted may hit you. When you get into such an accident, make sure to contact an Auto Accident Attorney Las Vegas. Let's look at the risks of texting and driving:
Why Cell Phones are Dangerous- Texting is one of the most dangerous types of distracted driving because it requires more attention. When you're texting, you're not only looking at your phone and thinking about what to type, but also taking a handoff of the steering wheel. Humans are not wired to multitask to this extend, and no one is good at texting and driving.
Texting and Driving Puts Passengers at Risk- While texting and driving are illegal in many places, it isn't everywhere. And one thing that many drivers don't consider while they text and drive is that they are putting the passenger's lives at risk. When a driver gets behind the wheel, they accept the responsibility for the safety of each passenger in the vehicle. It means focusing on the road while driving and getting the passengers to the destination without any accidents.
Safety of the Motorist and the Pedestrian- Even if there is no passenger in the vehicle, when you're distracted texting; you are putting yourself, motorists, and pedestrians in danger. If you get into an accident due to texting and driving and are found to be at fault, the other drivers and passengers can sue you for the damage caused. They can sue you for the damages and any aggravation caused by the accident to pre-existing injuries.
Why Drivers Can’t Multitask- According to experts, multitasking is a myth; the human brain cannot do two things well at the same time. The brain switches back and forth from one task to the next, and when the attention is divided between two tasks, neither one can be done particularly well. When it comes to texting, you have to read the text and mentally formulate a response. Combining texting and driving is a recipe for disaster.
How to Prevent Texting and Driving Accident- The easiest way to prevent texting and driving accident is to stay focused. Make sure that you are alert, attentive, and driving defensively. You cannot control the other drivers who are distracted by their phones while driving, but you can be alert enough to react to their driving by staying distraction-free. You can also get involved in a local campaign and raise awareness of the problem of texting and driving.
These are the risks of texting and driving, so it should be avoided at all costs. If you do get into an accident caused due to texting, let an Auto Accident Lawyer Las Vegas provide legal advice.About the Author
Shook & Stone is a personal injury law firm in Nevada. We are dedicated to fighting on behalf of injured victims and their families and, providing them the right legal assistance.
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