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Detailed Introduction to Probiotics and gut health

Author: Iva Colter
by Iva Colter
Posted: Nov 12, 2020

The gastrointestinal tract represents the most extensive interface between the human organism and the external environment. The human gastrointestinal tract is settled by a complex microbial ecosystem, in which microbiota, nutrients and host cells interact extensively. This is a crucial process for intestinal homeostasis and the establishment of a true partnership with the host. The various bacterial communities that make up the intestinal flora have many functions, including metabolism, barrier function and nutritional function. The relationship between intestinal flora and human health is increasingly recognized. It has now been determined that a healthy intestinal flora is mainly responsible for the overall health of the host.

About 100 trillion bacteria live in the human intestine. These intestinal bacteria look like lush bushes, so they are also called "intestinal bacterial clumps". Among the 100 trillion intestinal bacteria, bifidobacteria are the best probiotics, not only can make people healthy and longevity, but also beneficial to body shaping and beauty. There are good and bad bacteria in the intestinal flora that move in the intestine. If bifidobacteria, which is very beneficial to the human body, increase, it can help us "wash" the intestines.

Maybe you can't imagine how huge the number of 100 trillion is. To put it in an analogy, there are about 4.5 billion people on the earth, and one hundred trillion is more than 20,000 times the 4.5 billion. If the bacteria in a person's intestine are arranged in a row, the length of the bacteria can go around the earth more than 2 times.

With such a huge number of bacteria squirming in his stomach, it is creepy to think of this. These bacteria will enter the human body together with food and air. Of course, among these bacteria, some species will die when they encounter gastric juice or bile. Bacteria that can cross the barriers and reach the intestines will inhabit and multiply in the intestines.

If the power of bifidobacteria expands, the intestinal environment will be improved; on the contrary, if the power of bad bacteria such as Wells bacteria is greater, the intestinal environment will deteriorate. Representatives of good and bad bacteria are the just mentioned Bifidobacterium and Wells bacteria. In addition, Lactobacillus is also a kind of good bacteria, but there are not so many in the intestines of ordinary people.

The role of bad bacteria is the opposite of that of good bacteria. They will corrupt the protein or amino acids in the intestines and form substances harmful to the human body. This is the cause of increasing blood pressure and promoting aging; sometimes it also produces carcinogens. In short, in order to maintain the health of the body, such bad bacteria should be expelled from the intestine as much as possible. Moreover, it is best to increase the number of good bacteria.

When eating too much food that is not easy to digest, or indigestion in the stomach, the food will produce abnormal fermentation or rot. Of course, this substance will stimulate the mucous membranes, eating toxic substances, or pathogenic bacteria releasing toxins in the intestines will cause the same situation. Now everyone can enjoy food without scruples. People certainly have the basic desire to eat delicious food, but overeating is also a characteristic of modern people. This kind of life will put an excessive burden on the intestines. In this case, it is most likely to cause acute diarrhea. Because the rapid elimination of harmful substances is also a physiological phenomenon of self-protection.

Modern society is a stressful society, and mental stress can even be said to be a disease of modern people. With the development of society, our lives have become more convenient. But on the other hand, unconsciously, our spirits also show a state of considerable tension. It is said that 80% of diseases are caused by mental stress.

NASA has also studied the changes in the bacterial flora in the intestines of astronauts. As long as the astronauts feel a little uneasy or angry, the intestinal bacterial flora will obviously lose balance. The average person does not produce such drastic changes, but pressure does bring adverse effects on the intestinal flora. The aging of the bacterial flora in the intestine is of course related to the aging of the entire body. Therefore, stress should be avoided as much as possible.

The human intestine contains a large number of microorganisms, and their composition will affect the epithelial barrier function and the intestinal immune system. Prebiotics and probiotics play a beneficial role by regulating the intestinal flora and immune system.

Many clinical studies have proven that probiotics can effectively treat obesity, insulin resistance syndrome, type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In addition, the positive effects of probiotics on human health have been proven by improving immunity. Scientific reports also show the benefits of prophylactic use of probiotics in different types of cancer and the side effects associated with cancer. Creative Enzymes provides high-quality gut health formula for academic and industrial use.

About the Author

Creative Enzymes is a remarkable supplier and manufacturer in the Enzymology field. Equipped with advanced technique platform, Creative Enzymes is able to offer high-quality and professional services for customers.

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Author: Iva Colter

Iva Colter

Member since: Nov 22, 2018
Published articles: 89

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