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5 Common UI UX Design Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Author: Sudha Solutions
by Sudha Solutions
Posted: Nov 13, 2020

To build a successful product, the most crucial component is the design work. When the best UI UX design company in Mumbai plans an exceptional website, it looks carefully into blending the site with apt design, vital features and prevailing content to make it look sophisticated. Any website with high tech knowledge combined with quality products and minute detailing helps you reach wonders. It delivers knowledge of selecting the best company as it is imperative if you are looking for quality.

Sometimes, people go wrong with a common UI UX design, which creates blunders. It leaves you at a state where you do not understand how to go ahead with your website. And, at the same time, how to undo what is done. Hence, we, at our end, have elaborated top common UI UX design mistakes you need to avoid.

Once you follow these tips and tricks, we assure your sales to rise as huge as 200% from the current rate!

Let us study these five mistakes in brief.

  1. Putting much consideration to creativity rather than usability

The result of a website is to give a user-friendly experience. Sometimes, few creators fall trap of too much creativity. It makes the website even more confusing. Usually, the end-user rejects it, and all efforts go in vain. To be the best UI UX design agency Mumbai, one needs to give importance to usability and creativity to flaunt brilliance.

2. Allowing trends to guide the overall thinking

Not everything is the same as it looks. All superior UX UI designers are aware of this. Sometimes the design looks apt from one angle, but it might be completely different when the website is out for public use. To overcome this, the best UI UX design agency Mumbai will always take up feedback from the general public before setting a huge website live. Some new market trends do not always give the most trustworthy results, and thus sticking to the old one makes everything simpler.

3. Not-responsive design

Non-responsive design steals away the beauty of hard work. If you get an idea at the very beginning about the design improperness, never try to beautify it. Stop the process there itself. Sometimes, UI UX amature designers think they will resolve the issue immediately, but they get messed up entirely in the process. Thus companies then shift to the best UI UX design agency Mumbai.

4. Hard to read font

To impress, newbies try to search for a font that is different than what the outer world is using. Though they try to renovate the website and put in extra hard work, the common man sometimes dislikes such weird fonts. Therefore, the best UI UX design agency Mumbai always recommends using a font, which is easy for a layman to read. The base idea of any website is to deliver the knowledge of the products and services they have launched for the common man to buy. If a person does not understand and finds the font hard to read, then the entire effort goes in vain.

5. Poor Contrast

Having a good contrast on the entire website steals the show. A best UI UX design agency Mumbai will focus on contrasting aptly. Having one single color combination or multiple colors ruins the website. Blending colors for an elegant website needs a lot of discipline and patience.

Putting It All Together

If you are looking for an experienced UI UX design company that has succeeded all these mistakes due to their immense knowledge, contact Sudha Solutions -! They are expertly versed in the tips and tricks of bringing out the best UI UX designs that are thoroughly preferred by all.

About the Author

We, Sudha Solutions - are here to help you out through our standard process and industry best practices.

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Author: Sudha Solutions

Sudha Solutions

Member since: Jul 05, 2020
Published articles: 89

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