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Industrial wastewater is a major contributor to water pollution

Author: Svaar Process
by Svaar Process
Posted: Dec 19, 2020

Industrial wastewater is a major contributor to water pollution. There are various types of industrial waste water based on different contaminants and industries; each region produces its own specific combination of pollutants. The petrochemical industry is rich in phenols and mineral oils. Also the wastewater in food processing plants is high in suspended solids and organic matter. Generally industrial wastewater can be divided into two types: organic industrial wastewater and inorganic industrial wastewater.

The recent dam break at the BHP Billiton-owned iron ore mine in Brazil has highlighted the danger of storing large amounts of industrial wastewater as it is undergoing treatment. However, industrial wastewater treatment equipment specially designed to reduce the risk associated with industrial wastewater storage is available in the market in the form of industrial wastewater evaporator.

Wastewater evaporators offer a useful option for moving chemical effluents (or offsites for disposal in wastewater treatment facilities). Instead they pump water from the storage pond and spray it into air that is easily evaporated into clean air vapor. Because water is constantly evaporating, the amount of wastewater stored is greatly reduced.


As the name implies, floating industrial effluents evaporate to the surface of the sewage treatment dam, absorbing the water from the pond and flowing into the air. However, when choosing a floating sewage evaporator, one must consider the environmental conditions in which it operates. For example, if the situation is generally very windy, the evaporator should be able to prevent it from being carried outside the component. Evaporation of spray plume emitted near the surface of the pond will be more efficient in storms or conditions as the spray is likely to fall back into the treatment pond instead of the surrounding area.


Land-based industrial effluents stand on the shores of the evaporating lake, where they pump out the lake water and spray water back to the surface of the lake. The Land Shark Waste Water Evaporation Unit can be mounted on wheels or float, providing flexibility to use as either a full mobile land-based or floating evaporator. With a maximum air flow of 100 miles per hour and a water flow rate of 110 GPM, this wastewater evaporator is specifically designed for use in large ponds. This creates a large amount of spray plume that allows water droplets to stay in the air in the pond longer, which will improve the evaporation rate. The Land Shark Sewage Evaporation Unit has a heavy duty strong construction specially designed for use in the oil field and durable rubberized powder coating for better protection against components


Wastewater evaporator can be widely used in industrial wastewater treatment conditions, including:

  • Industrial Sewage Treatment Ponds
  • Wastewater treatment from mining
  • Canary treatment pool
  • Paper Mill Treatment Ponds

We are SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt.Ltd, are Waste Water Evaporation Plant Manufacturer engaged in manufacturing, exporting and supplying wastewater evaporation plants.

SVAAR Process Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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Author: Svaar Process

Svaar Process

Member since: Apr 27, 2020
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