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What kind of sound absorbing foam should you look for?

Author: Kevin Richard
by Kevin Richard
Posted: Dec 27, 2020

Speaking of selecting the sound absorbing foam ideal for your sound proofing necessities, a vital consideration is whether to utilize a profiled one or flat faced foam. As we will discuss here, there are benefits and drawbacks of both.

What amount of frequency?

One of the main distinctions between profiled and plain faced sound absorber foams is how they treat various frequencies. Low frequency waves are stronger and longer, and thus need denser and sturdier foam. The plain faced foam don’t have the actual foam removed, and therefore their absorbing attributes are much better than the profiled counterparts. Accordingly, flat and plain faced foam is better suitable for soaking up low frequencies.

If you want to make your home the quietest place on Earth, consider acoustic foam such as a sponge and sound waves such as water, and a bigger sponge will be able to absorb more water.

On the contrary, sound waves make shadow angles and mid to high frequency waves have a tendency to rake plain faced foams or acoustic sound panels, implying that the sound isn’t absorbed but just reflected. The right placement of these products can palliate this effect, though profiled foam will assist to catch and trap those annoying high frequency waves and shadow angle.

Be mindful of a common myth that prevails while selecting profiled sound absorbing foam, there is no difference between the soundproofing performance between wedge and pyramid shaped profiles.

What type of room?

We’ve just discussed about the frequency of the acoustic waves that you want to hear. The area that you want to make soundproof will also influence which type of sound absorber foam is best suitable according to your requirements.

As mentioned before, the right placement of the acoustic sound panels can assist to palliate shallow angle waves that rake your foam and being reflected across the room. The natural acoustics of the room should also be considered. If the natural acoustics is good, you may want to look for profiled acoustic foam, utilizing it to tighten the treatment of mid to high frequencies and fine tune the room’s acoustic response, though you will also require a solution to deal with those long and strong bass notes.

Then again, if the natural acoustics of your room is quite bad, plain faced foam will provide you that extra strength to your property with the absorption and treatment of acoustic waves for the soundproofing effect you are looking for. Think again about the sponge, as a denser sponge absorbs water far better.

So which type of foam?

In respect to cosmetics, some people favour profiled foam in respect to the blank option. Nonetheless, in respect to performance, the best solution is possibly a blend of both profiles and plain faced acoustic foams.

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Author: Kevin Richard

Kevin Richard

Member since: Aug 15, 2019
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