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For what reason is My AC Fan Not Working or Spinning?

Author: Aircool Aircon
by Aircool Aircon
Posted: Jan 09, 2021

A wrecked or failing fan is quite possibly the most widely recognized issues that can happen to a climate control system. You can hear the blower working; you can feel cool air being created inside the machine, and you can see the entirety of the machine's parts cooperating in agreement. The catch? The climate control system fan is basically not working. With an issue this way, there's basically no chance to get for any of the cool air inside to advance toward you.

In this article, we'll show you a total investigating manual to help you in sorting out the primary motivation behind why your Aircon servicing fan isn't working or turning.

10 Common Troubleshooting Tips for a Faulty Air Conditioner Fan
  1. Dual Shaft Fan Motor - Check the double shaft fan engine or the dissemination fan engine for any issues or deformities. This part has two cutting edges: one on each side of the engine. On one side, the fan cutting edge works by attracting outside air over the consolidating loop. This cycle is done so the unit can effectively scatter the warmth. The other cutting edge works by coordinating the air over the evaporator curl. The double shaft or dissemination fan engine has an orientation that can extricate or even tie with steady use. To check if any of these headings are deficient, essentially squirm the engine shaft. On the off chance that the engine shaft is free or won't turn by any stretch of the imagination, it's an ideal opportunity to supplant it.
  2. Aircon Fan Motor - Check the fan engine for any deformities by turning the edge by hand. In the event that it doesn't turn openly, it implies that the part's engine orientation is exhausted. If so, it's an ideal opportunity to supplant the part. In the event that the cutting edges can be turned, test it by checking the approaching capacity of the fan engine Aircon general service. In the event that the force can discover its way to the fan engine and the engine just actually won't run, consider getting it supplanted.
  3. Relay Board and Main Control Board - Both sheets are answerable for giving force and voltage to various parts of the forced air system unit. One of these parts incorporates the fan engine. In the event that these sheets are having issues, the fan will just not run. In any case, before you even think about supplanting any of the sheets, ensure you have completely scratched other potential issues —, for example, broken fan engine capacitors or the fan engine itself. In the event that you find that these parts are not the issue, at that point you can continue supplanting the breaking down sheets.
  4. Temperature Control Thermostat - The temperature control indoor regulator in an aircon unit is known to have distinctive electrical contacts that can consume or flame out after some time. In the event that any of these contacts get worn out, at that point the indoor regulator will just stop to work. The fan engine should be running constantly if the blower is on. In the event that the blower is running yet the fan, the engine isn't, it implies the capacitor of the fan engine may require some fixing. Be that as it may, if the two sections won't run by any means, you can utilize Aircon chemical wash multimeter to test the temperature control indoor regulator for progression. On the off chance that it doesn't have congruity, supplant it too.
  5. Thermostat - The indoor regulator in the unit is answerable for checking the air temperature. At the point when it transcends a set point, the indoor regulator manages its responsibility by turning on a switch that will thus give the capacity to the fan and blower. So on account of a wrecked indoor regulator, the fan can be kept from functioning admirably. To check if the indoor regulator is damaged, essentially set the AC to cooling mode and utilize a multimeter to test the part for coherence. On the off chance that the indoor regulator doesn't show any coherence during this mode, it implies it's an ideal opportunity to supplant it Aircon chemical overhaul.
  6. Blower Motor - To check for a messed up blower engine, search for any surprising movement inside the fan sharp edges. On the off chance that they won't turn uninhibitedly, it implies it's an ideal opportunity to supplant the engine. It's likewise imperative to watch that the force is getting to the blower engine. In the event that the engine is getting power yet, it's as yet insufficient to make it run, it implies it's the ideal opportunity for a substitution. A wrecked or defective blower engine is difficult to fix; it should be completely supplanted with another unit.

7. Thermistor - The thermistor is a sensor that identifies the temperature of the air in an aircon. It's associated with the control board and is regularly reliant on temperature. A wrecked or flawed thermistor will regularly bring about a fan neglecting to run. To appropriately check if your thermistor needs supplanting, utilize a multimeter to test it for congruity. In the event that it appears to not have any, it's an ideal opportunity to supplant it Aircon Gas topup.

  1. Capacitor - Check for a messed up capacitor by utilizing a multimeter test for coherence. On the off chance that the part doesn't have any congruity, it implies it's an ideal opportunity to supplant it.
  2. Rotary Switch - The rotational switch is liable for initiating the fan engine. After some time, the electrical contacts inside it can turn out to be firmly hollowed and compacted. This can frequently bring about the inability to direct power. Utilize a multimeter to test whether a revolving switch needs supplanting; on the off chance that you find that it doesn't have any progression, at that point you may continue in supplanting it.
  3. Selector Switch - A messed up selector switch can be checked by making determinations on the forced air system's control board. In the event that the fan begins working discontinuously in the wake of squeezing a catch, at that point, it's an ideal opportunity to supplant the switch. In any case, if there is any smoke coming external to the switch, it's an obvious sign that a substitution ought to be done well away.

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Aircool – One of the best Aircon service company in Singapore. We give a solution to all types of aircon problems at an affordable price. our Services are Aircon servicing, Aircon servicing singapore, Aircool aircon servicing

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Aircool Aircon

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