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Final essay: white paper

Author: Robert Mayer
by Robert Mayer
Posted: Jan 16, 2021

Many students do not make it to the highest score not because they prepared poorly, but because they panicked on the exam. What should be done and in what sequence once in the audience?

The fear of a blank sheet is a problem that, perhaps, every writer or artist faces. Remember how in the film "Barton Fink" the unfortunate screenwriter, having already concluded an agreement for an impressive amount, sits at a typewriter all day, but cannot squeeze a couple of lines out of himself? Or the hero of Fellini's acclaimed film masterpiece "8 ½", who is trying to start filming a new film for two hours before our eyes.

An eleventh grader is not faced with the task of creating a masterpiece, but, being alone with a piece of paper, the student also often panics. So today we will analyze one of the possible algorithms for actions in the audience - and together we will "write" an essay, so much so that it can be kept within 3 hours 55 minutes (this is how much time is given for December work).

Lead time: 10 minutes

Craftsmen from the Ministry of Education each time come up with five thematic areas for the final essay. Directions 2020 sound like this:

"It cannot be forgotten";"I and Others";"Time for a change";"Self talk";"Between the past and the future: a portrait of my generation".Each direction corresponds to one topic, that is, on the exam you will be given FIVE topics to choose from.

All the topics of the final essay are about the same in complexity, so you can take any one. And even more so, do not worry that you choose the "wrong" topic and the experts will underestimate your rating. Such situations are excluded: there are no deliberately losing variants on the December composition.

Now let's imagine what a set of themes could be. Well, for example like this:

Why is it so important for people to keep the good memory of family and friends?How should you choose friends?Is technological progress changing our lives for the better or for the worse?Why are many people afraid of being alone with themselves?Because of what, representatives of different generations fail to find mutual understanding?You should devote at least five minutes to choosing a topic. It is important not just to "grasp" the first option that comes across, but to remember which works you remember best (after all, two stories, a novel or a novel should be mentioned in the body of an essay) - and to which topic they best fit.

Let's say you are not the most diligent student and read the school curriculum insofar as you are fond of foreign science fiction. And - what a coincidence! - in literature lessons you have just finished "Heart of a Dog" by MA Bulgakov, and for your heart you read "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes. So, the choice is obvious: let's take the third topic - about technical progress.

Point 2. Sketching an introduction

Lead time: 30 minutes

Having chosen a topic, take a draft and start writing the first paragraph - an introduction, which can be composed of three parts:

"Sore" question;commentary on the "sore" question;main idea (thesis)."Sick" question - this is the question that is stated in the topic; it can be rewritten verbatim - or paraphrased a little. So we write: "Does the development of technology lead to better or worse?"

A commentary on a "sore" question is anything that you consider necessary to clarify before proceeding with the main part. You can point out the relevance and importance of this issue, or clarify the meaning of some words, or indicate in which direction you will lead the reasoning, or all together.

For example: "This question has been relevant, perhaps, always, but it is especially important to answer it in the 21st century - a century when almost every person has a computer, tablet or smartphone. But technology is not only about gadgets, thanks to which you can communicate with loved ones and read the news. In our time, on the one hand, innovative medical equipment has appeared that can save a person who would have inevitably died half a century ago from a disease that was not detected in time, and, on the other hand, a powerful weapon that can almost lead to the death of all living things. "...

The main idea, or thesis, is, in fact, the thought that you will prove in the following paragraphs. Quite often in successful essays, the thesis has the form of morality, that is, it calls the reader to something. Therefore, we write: "We must remember that technology can be dangerous, and make every effort so that no one gets hurt because of it. "

After completing the first paragraph, we reread it:

Does the development of technology lead to better or worse? This question was perhaps always relevant, but it is especially important to answer it in the 21st century - a century when almost every person has a computer, tablet or smartphone. But technology is not only about gadgets, thanks to which you can communicate with loved ones and read the news. In our time, on the one hand, innovative medical equipment has appeared that can save a person who would have inevitably died half a century ago from an undetected disease, and, on the other hand, a powerful weapon that can lead to almost the death of all living things... We must remember that technology can be dangerous and make every effort to ensure that no one gets hurt because of it.

Sounds good! Let's move on to the next point.

Runtime: 45 minutes

Not that it’s an ironclad rule, but rather an urgent advice: the main part of the December essay should consist of two paragraphs, and each should be devoted to one piece-argument.

So what did you read there before the exam? "Dog's heart"? Sumptuously! We write the author's name (with initials) and the title of the work, briefly retell a number of key episodes, and then clarify how this work relates to your main idea.

For example: Among the Russian classics of the twentieth century, who were worried about the problem of technical progress, one should single out M. A. Bulgakov - the author of the story "Heart of a Dog". One of the key characters of this work, Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, decides to conduct an experiment: he transplants the human pituitary gland to a stray dog. As a result, the dog turns into a man who chooses a name for himself Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. However, the "refined" dog does not get any better or happier. He only does that is rude and hooligan; he does not strive for the light, good and eternal, he is not attracted by love, friendship, any ideals. In the end, Professor Preobrazhensky turns Sharikov into a dog again. Using the example of the two main characters of the story, M.A.Bulgakov shows that interference with the natural course of things rarely turns out to be anything good. No one should put himself in the shoes of God and try to change nature itself.

Runtime: 45 minutes

Having dealt with the first argument from fiction, we add another one - according to the same scheme: author, title, retelling, relationship with the thesis.

Option: Also, reflections on technical progress were reflected in the novel by the American writer Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon". The protagonist of this novel is Charlie Gordon, 32, a mentally retarded laborer at a bakery. Thanks to discoveries in the field of medicine, Charlie got the opportunity to become "like everyone else." After surgery, the young man learned to write correctly, became interested in the arts and sciences. Subsequently, his intelligence developed so much that Gordon became a more prominent scientist than Dr. Strauss and Nemur, who changed his life. However, this did not bring Charlie happiness, as he realized that after the rapid development of mental abilities, their extinction comes. Alas, in the finale of the novel, the main character lost everything he could become attached to.

Lead time: 15 minutes

The conclusion is a short retelling of everything written above + a repetition of the main idea.

In the last paragraph, you can list the names of the illustrations, but the most important thing is to "deduce" the same morality with which it all began.

For example, like this: So, technical progress has presented humanity with many opportunities: thanks to modern equipment, it has become easier for us to treat serious illnesses, study, and communicate with loved ones. However, we must remember that technological advances always involve enormous risks. Writers such as M. Bulgakov (Heart of a Dog) and Daniel Keys (Flowers for Algernon) proved this by the example of heroes who became innocent victims in the hands of scientists. Therefore, in the pursuit of innovation, people need to be especially careful and careful.

Lead time: 5 minutes

Once you've roughly sketched your work, it's worth giving yourself a little break. Of course, no one will allow you to walk along the corridor (or just get up from behind your desk), but you can eat a chocolate bar and drink water, which we hope you took for the exam.

If you still doubt whether you can take all this with you, we will quote the official website of FIPI: "There are no restrictions on the availability of drinking water and chocolate on the exam".

Item 7. Editing the draft

Runtime: 40 minutes

Have you refreshed? It's time to return to the exploits and edit the composition. Here are the top 5 mistakes that students of all skill levels make:

the absence of micro-conclusion after both paragraphs in the main part (yes, in one form or another, the thesis must be repeated at the end of each paragraph);excessive retelling (you should not devote more than 7-8 sentences to the analysis of the work-argument);unjustified repetitions (remember that the same root words should not occur within the same sentence);pleonasms (that is, unnecessary clarifications like "he raised his hand": and so it is clear that his, and not someone else's);the absence of commas for calls, comparisons, adverbial phrases, etc.There is no need to rewrite the text for another draft (otherwise there may not be enough time): just cross out those phrases that you did not like. Do not be afraid of dirt, no one will evaluate the draft.

To edit the text in a quality manner, it is enough to re-read it two or three times.

Lead time: 5 minutes

The item is optional, but desirable: try to remember some aphorism that will once again emphasize the direction of your thought. This aphorism can become an excellent epigraph, that is, a phrase written before an essay closer to the right edge of the sheet.

For example, the following statement of the French philosopher Gabriel Honore Marcel fits our current topic: "Technique comes to the aid of every desire and every fear. "

Paragraph 8. We rewrite the composition completely

Lead time: 20 minutes

When the draft is checked, it's time to rewrite it on the sheet that you will hand over to the commission. Fill out the work and - what the hell is not joking - re-read it again: what if an offensive slip has crept in?

Clause 9. We hand over work and enjoy life

The algorithm above allows you to write a job in 215 minutes.

The exam, we repeat, takes 3 hours 55 minutes, that is, 235 minutes.

Congratulations! You just wrote a great job and saved 20 minutes (and you did it right: the longer you work, the harder it is to concentrate).

Submit your essay. Exit the school. Go to the nearest cafe and buy a pie: you deserve it!

And here is the full text of the essay that we "wrote" together:

Is technological progress changing our lives for the better or for the worse?

Technique comes to the rescue of any desire and any fear.Gabriel Honore MarcelDoes the development of technology lead to better or worse? This question was perhaps always relevant, but it is especially important to answer it in the 21st century - a century when almost every person has a computer, tablet or smartphone. But technology is not only about gadgets, thanks to which you can communicate with loved ones and read the news. In our time, on the one hand, innovative medical equipment has appeared that can save a person who would have inevitably died half a century ago from a disease that was not detected in time, and, on the other hand, a powerful weapon that can almost lead to the death of all living things. We must remember that technology can be dangerous and make every effort to ensure that no one gets hurt because of it.

Among the Russian classics of the twentieth century, who were worried about the problem of technical progress, one should single out M. A. Bulgakov - the author of the story "Heart of a Dog". One of the key characters of this work, Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, decides to conduct an experiment: he transplants the human pituitary gland to a stray dog. As a result, the dog turns into a man who chooses a name for himself Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. However, the "refined" dog does not get any better or happier. He only does that is rude and hooligan; he does not strive for the light, good and eternal, he is not attracted by love, friendship, any ideals. In the end, Professor Preobrazhensky turns Sharikov into a dog again. Using the example of the two main characters of the story, M.A.Bulgakov shows that interference with the natural course of things rarely turns out to be anything good. No one should put himself in the shoes of God and try to change nature itself.

Also, reflections on technical progress were reflected in the novel by the American writer Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon". The protagonist of this novel is Charlie Gordon, 32, a mentally retarded laborer at a bakery. Thanks to discoveries in the field of medicine, Charlie got the opportunity to become "like everyone else." After surgery, the young man learned to write correctly, became interested in the arts and sciences. Subsequently, his intelligence developed so much that Gordon became a more prominent scientist than Dr. Strauss and Nemur, who changed his life. However, this did not bring Charlie happiness, as he realized that after the rapid development of mental abilities, their extinction comes. Alas, in the finale of the novel, the main character lost everything he could become attached to.

So, technical progress has presented humanity with many opportunities: thanks to modern equipment, it has become easier for us to treat serious illnesses, study, and communicate with loved ones. However, we must remember that technological advances always involve enormous risks. Writers such as M. Bulgakov (Heart of a Dog) and Daniel Keys (Flowers for Algernon) have proved this by the example of heroes who have become innocent victims in the hands of scientists. Therefore, in the pursuit of innovation, people need to be especially careful and careful.The article was prepared by the service

About the Author

Robert has been operating for for more than three decades. He also came to the business for a History graduate having good knowledge in composing academic functions.

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Author: Robert Mayer

Robert Mayer

Member since: Jan 12, 2021
Published articles: 3

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