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Choose the right ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Consultancy for Testing Laboratory Accreditation

Posted: Jan 23, 2021
Producing valid and trusted results is at the core of testing and calibration activities. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 allows laboratories to implement a sound quality system and demonstrate their technical competency and ability to repeatedly produce valid and reliable testing and calibration results. The last version of ISO/IEC 17025 was published in 2005. Since then, there has been lot of changes in market conditions and technology. To meet the changes, ISO and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) published a new version of the standard in November 2017. Laboratories already accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 need to transition their processes to the new version within three-year period from the publication date of the new standard. As one year has already passed, such laboratories have now less than two years for transition to ISO 17025:2017. New laboratories can directly go for ISO 17025:2017 accreditation.
Why ISO/IEC 17025 consultancy?
To get ISO 17025: 2017 accreditation afresh or transition from old version or reaccreditation is a time-consuming affair involving a lot of documentation work. The laboratories who want ISO 17025:2017 accreditation or re-accreditation need to have well-maintained ISO/IEC 17025:2017 documentation, which must contain ISO 17025:2017 manual, procedures, formats, records, SOPs, technical formats specific to the laboratory activities, audit checklist, etc. Moreover, they have also to sail through ISO 17025:2017 audit. Often laboratories/ organizations do not have employees for such activities. Here a reputable, experienced and cost-effective consultancy service comes in handy, especially when time is short. Taking services of ISO 17025:2017 consultancy, either on a temporary or long-term basis is very helpful in documentation, system implementation and getting accreditation or reaccreditation, as well as maintenance of the laboratory management system. But like any business partnership, it is a very crucial to get a right consultancy.
How to choose ISO/IEC 17025:2017 consultancy?
If you are thinking about taking services of ISO17025: 2017 consultancy, looking at the following points can help you make the right selection:
- Expertise of the consultancy in the field your laboratory operates in and its core activities.
- Track record of implementing Laboratory management system and other relevant systems, such as Quality management system, Environmental management system, etc.
- Full knowledge of and relationships with different accreditation bodies.
- Personal involvement; availability of consultant when you need them, especially during audits.
- Availability of service options, for example - onsite consultancy, online consultancy, providing ISO17025: 2017documentation kit, etc.
- Easy-to-understand documentation, training materials, etc. which can be modified as per your need.
- Cost-effective and time-saving consultancy service.
While choosing ISO 17025:2017 accreditation consultancy service, you should do some research about the background, expertise and service track records of ISO consultancy companies. Going through their client’s list, as well as customers/client’s review, will help you a lot in making right decision. Based on my own research of a number of ISO consultancies and feedback from various sources, including global customers, I can suggest you Global Manager Group (GMG), a pioneer in ISO consultancy, which provides ISO17025: 2017 consultancy to laboratories and organizations for system implementation documentation and internal auditing, and also conducts training programs on ISO17025 system awareness, method validation, uncertainty of measurement and auditor training for ISO/IEC 17025:2017, etc. The services provided by highly-experienced ISO/IEC 17025 certification consultants of GMG have helped several laboratories in India and several other countries to achieve accreditation. Customers feedback also indicate that GMG is a truly global ISO consultancy and training company known for fast, effective and economical service to get system certification.
So don’t waste time, choose a consultancy soon to conveniently achieve ISO17025:2017 accreditation in short time.
For more information visit here: https://www.globalmanagergroup.com/Services/iso-17025-2017-consultancy-accreditation
About the Author
We are ISO consultants and industry leader in the global market for selling online ISO documentation kits as well as ISO system awareness and auditor training kits. With a presence in more than 36 countries,
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