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What are the challenges faced by Nurses today?

Author: Ozajobs Team
by Ozajobs Team
Posted: Feb 06, 2021

We all know that being a Nurse is not an easy job, as Nurses are an important cog in the medical machine, as they handle lots of work responsibilities. Jobs in the nursing field involve assisting physicians in their day to day work, handling ward duties, documentation and lots. The Medicare sector is essential, but Nurses face several challenges and in this article, we shall examine some of them.

The first challenge that Nurses face today is shortage of staff. Infirmaries at all levels are trying to cut costs and one way they are doing this by cutting jobs for nurses. This has meant hospitals have fewer Nurses to handle in patients and Nurses have to work longer hours with larger workloads.

Nurses are also expected to meet high expectations of Patients, which they can’t always meet, due to budget and staff cutbacks by the employers. This is putting a great strain on people working in the Nursing field, as the cuts have meant that they are looking after lots more patients. When the Nurses hear that their patients are unhappy with the level of service provided, it affects their morale and strain on them. Infirmaries should work with nurse recruitment agencies to ensure there are enough nurses to handle a shift so, that everyone gets enough rest and their health is not affected.

Another issue that people with jobs in the nursing field face today is long working hours and overtime. Nurses today are expected by employers to put in 12 hour shifts and work extra in case of emergencies. Although they do amazing work, they are humans and they need breaks.

Nursing job placement agencies and employers should take care that the Nurses they place and employ get enough rest. Jobs in the nursing field are tangibly and sensitively demanding and it is important for Nurses to get enough time to rest. When they are tired at work, they will not be able to give their best.

Nurses at work sometimes face violence at work when either their patients or the families and attendants get violent. A World Health Organization report has found that between 8% and 38% of Nurses have undergone some kind of bodily viciousness during their career. Although such cases are uncommon, regrettably they can take place which is why nurses receive wide-ranging preparation so that they are ready for these situations. Infirmaries should have risk valuations and control measures in place to ensure that their staff are protected from violent acts and these fats must be validated by a reputed Nursing recruitment agency before they place candidates in the facility.

The next challenge that people with jobs in the Nursing field face are workplace hazards as they frequently work with prickles, severe apparatuses and heavyweight tools. To avoid calamities, all staff should be taught correctly and they should always abide by directions and guidelines to safeguard they are not hurt, along with their coworkers. Any possible dangers should be dealt with instantaneously. For example, damp surfaces can cause grave mishaps. As nurses are busy, it is easy to overlook to check the flooring for possible hazards but wearing suitable footwear can help decrease the possibility of an calamity happening. Nursing recruitment agencies in India should ensure that the people they place understand the importance of workplace safety and take appropriate steps in that direction.

The last challenge nurses face today is maintaining good health. They lead stressful lives at work and this at times can lead to associated health problems. Working as a Nurse is physically and mentally exhausting, and a large number of Nurses suffer from back problems and sore feet.

Nursing can be a challenging job, for most people but it is very soul satisfying. If you are looking for a Nursing Job, please log into Ozajobs.

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Author: Ozajobs Team

Ozajobs Team

Member since: Sep 03, 2020
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