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Dental Implants – The most practical, safe and long-term option to rebuild their smile

Author: Paulo Pinho
by Paulo Pinho
Posted: Feb 12, 2021

Having your teeth fall out of the mouth means more than just losing your looks and a confident smile. All of us will lose at least one teeth by the time they become elders. Missing a tooth might appear just like a cosmetic concern, but failing to substitute missing teeth can lead you towards a myriad of problems. For the ones who have lost a tooth, dental implants Sydney can be a beautiful looking restoration. These are the most practical, safe and long-term option to rebuild their smile.

Dental Implants:

Implant technology is frequently used to replace multiple or a single tooth lost following gum disease, age, decay, or injury due to an accident. Dental implants present a reliable, secure, and natural-looking solid solution to missing tooth.

Sydney dental implants are synthetic replacements for the tooth root, attached below the gum. They are small metal posts in a cylinder or screw shape, made of titanium. Titanium is favoured as it is biocompatible, accepted by the immune system, and works well with bones tissues.

The implant is inserted into the jawbone and allowed to fuse with the bone through Osseointegration. Once the implant fuses, the custom-made replacements and a crown will be fixed to it, giving you natural resembling teeth.

Dental Implant Process:

Getting an implant is forever a multi-step process. It is necessary to understand the basics of each step of this assistance you choose.

1. Initial Consultation:

Your dentist will thoroughly check your mouth, take X-rays, 3D images and check if you are ideal for having an implant. He will then explain the various implant options to you and tell a treatment plan.

2. Dental Implant Placement:

At the next appointment, your dentist will fix the implant in your jaw bone. The dental implants procedure is straightforward and generally done under general or local anaesthesia. Post-implant care will then be addressed with a few, over-the-counter medicines.

3. Osseointegration:

As you heal, the implant blends with the bone and will grow unitedly in a process called Osseointegration. They form a long-lasting, healthy foundation for the replacement tooth. This healing process takes time, depending on your healing capacity. You will be provided with a temporary replacement and put on a soft food diet for the first few days to ensure the implant sets appropriately.

4. Attach the Custom Made New Teeth:

Once the implant links with the bone cells, the custom-made replacement will be fitted to it. You will be ready to enjoy your life with a perfect set of teeth.

5. Periodic dental Check-Ups:

Though the implants do not fail, it is vital to have regular dental check-ups and cleaning as your normal teeth. These tailored dental implants cost Sydney are affordable and last a lifetime with decent care.

The author is a dentist. With his years of experience in dentistry and passion for offering excellent services to his patients, he offers dental implants Sydney. Visit for details.

About the Author

Registered Australian dental surgeon, Dr Pinho is highly trained to perform dental implants, safely and efficiently. He is a member of the Australian Dental Association and works closely with leading oral surgeons in both Sydney and Melbourne.

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Author: Paulo Pinho

Paulo Pinho

Member since: Nov 11, 2016
Published articles: 92

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