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How to select Acoustic enclosures?

Author: Jenny Clarke
by Jenny Clarke
Posted: Oct 29, 2022

In our daily lives, we experience a lot of noise pollution in the environment. Whether it’s from loud traffic, construction sites or industrial areas, a variety of sounds can be found everywhere.

But the noise produced by equipment can sometimes hinder the on-going process. In a noisy environment, people are not able to reach their maximum potential. That is why it is necessary to subdue this sound using some barrier.

This process of reducing or suppress the sound is achieved by acoustic enclosures. These are a form of sound barriers that shields a sound-producing area. Due to this, the sound waves cannot spread into the surroundings.

Using this process, the companies can provide a calm and peaceful working place. It can be utilised in different products. The noise cancellation depends on the material used and the working of a product.

We will learn more about Acoustic Enclosers in the coming paragraphs. This will give you an idea of how this equipment is used for factory noise control. It will further help you to choose the right product for your work.

What is an Acoustic Enclosure?

An acoustic enclosure is a device that minimises the production of sound. It is used for noise cancellation, reduction, and protection. These devices are quite popular in many industries.

This product utilises several materials to improve the effectiveness.

The entire structure is produced using two layers. The outer layer consists of a solid material. Mostly galvanised steel is used in this process. It is a sturdy metal that protects the inside of a device. For the interior part, an absorbing substance made of wool padding is placed. This material doesn’t allow vibrations and sound to go outside.

Various Methods Utilised To Implement An Acoustic Enclosure

Two basic techniques are used to reduce the sound in an area.


The coverings have multiple tiny holes that suppress the vibrations produced by a device. In this process, the panels absorb a certain amount of sound waves. This energy is slowly released into the surroundings.


In this procedure, the machine is isolated from the rest of the area. The panels use a protective substance that helps in this process. The enclosure further helps in securing the product from any damage.

Benefits of Acoustic Enclosures

Decreases the generated noise

This is the basic advantage of using acoustic enclosures. The enclosure completely covers the outer layer of the device. Due to this, people working in an area won’t even notice the operating product. A silent generator is the best example for such types of products.

Protects the product

An acoustic enclosure not only helps in reducing the sound but also provides an additional covering to the product. This results in two things. First, if the device malfunctions, the workers will be well-protected from any hazard. Second, it will be extremely difficult to breach the product. Hence, the enclosed device will be secured from both outside and inside. This further improves the lifespan of any component.

Creates a better working environment

With the help of factory noise control, a superb working area is created for all the employees. They can work without any disturbance. These acoustic enclosures also reduce the device resonance. Hence, the workers never have to worry about any vibrating or disturbing sound generators.

Can be applied on almost any device

The sound enclosures are available in many different shapes and sizes. These are suitable for a variety of products in the market. The panels come in completely customisable options. Moreover, they can fit on all the important products like generators and invertors, barriers, screens and even walls and doors.

Prevents noise pollution in the neighbourhood

Certain factories produce a lot of noise. This generated sound can travel to various buildings. Some places have specific guidelines that allow certain decibels of sound waves. Going beyond that is a violation of the law. Plus, it also eradicates the need for using a sound enclosure for the entire infrastructure. It saves time and prevents any sound leakage.

How to choose the right company?

Many companies in the UK deal in acoustic enclosures. You will find all kinds of factory noise control equipment in the market. However, before you purchase any product, do remember some important points:

Check all the reviews about a company using online portals. The organisation must provide all the required documentation before and after purchase.All the customers must get proper service and support for every device.Furthermore, the products should be certified and stand good on all the quality parameters.Once you are satisfied, just visit the company’s website or visit the store directly.

Is it a good investment?

Purchasing acoustic enclosures is the best investment for your business or workplace. They create an ideal working condition for everyone. Additionally, the place looks aesthetically pleasing to look at. That is why every organisation should have such equipment.

About the Author

Jenny Clarke is a professional writer, blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to education, beauty, fashion, travel, health and technology sectors.

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Author: Jenny Clarke

Jenny Clarke

Member since: Aug 22, 2019
Published articles: 22

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