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IELTS Speaking Test Sample Questions

Author: Srijah Tanna
by Srijah Tanna
Posted: Mar 25, 2021

Test IELTS Speaking Topics

Section 1 of the IELTS Speaking Module comprises of individual inquiries concerning you, your family, your work, your schooling or other recognizable points. An ordered rundown of such points and questions is given beneath. You can utilize these example inquiries to practice for this piece of the oral meeting. Ensure you can talk effectively, unmistakably, and easily and trust in light of each question. Make sure to make your answer fascinating by giving more than the most essential data. A portion of these example questions are almost certain to show up on your test, so survey them well.


Portray yourself.


Portray your family?

Do you have a huge or little family?

How long do you go through with your family?

What do you like to do all together?

Do you coexist well with your family?

Are individuals in your nation by and large near their families?


What do you do?

What are your obligations?

How long do you work every day?

Do you make the most of your work?

Is there some other sort of work you would prefer to do?

In the event that you could change your work or calling, how might you respond?

Depict the way toward finding a new line of work in your country.

Depict the organization or association you work for.

What is your position?

What do you like about your work?

What do you loathe about your work?


Portray your schooling.

What sort of school did you go to as a youngster?

Did you go to a co-instructive school?

What was your number one subject as a kid?

Who was your number one educator?

How is the training framework in your country?

Do you think your nation has compelling training framework?


What are you concentrating now?

What is your region of specialization?

Old neighborhood

Depict your old neighborhood.

What's uncommon about it?

Where is your old neighborhood found?

Is it simple to go around your old neighborhood?

What is it known for?

What do individuals in your town do?

What are the fundamental enterprises in your old neighborhood?

What issues face your old neighborhood?

What dialects are spoken in your old neighborhood?

What are the benefits of living in your old neighborhood?

What are a few issues looked by your old neighborhood?

Contrast your old neighborhood and another city.

What are some ecological issues looked by your old neighborhood?


How's the climate in your country?

Does the climate influence your temperament?

How do stormy days cause you to feel?

What's your #1 period of the year?

What do you like to do when it's hot?

What do you as a rule do in the colder time of year?

What number of seasons does your nation have?


Depict your home.

What sort of building do you live in?

How long have you lived there?


Have you at any point been to a wedding?

Whose wedding right?

Where was it held?

What garments do individuals wear?

Depict the wedding service.

What kind of endowments do individuals purchase for the wedding couple?

What sort of garments did the lady and lucky man wear?


Do you like to travel?

What sort of spots have you visited in your life?

Which spot might you truly want to visit? Why?

What's the best spot you've at any point visited?


Do you think PCs help society?

Do you think PCs are awful for wellbeing?

How would you think PCs have changed the world?


Do you utilize the Internet much during the day?

What do you normally do on the Internet?

What are a few benefits of the Internet?

What are a few disservices?

Do individuals in your nation utilize the Internet a ton?

Do you do any shopping on the Internet?


Do you send and get email consistently?

Who do you normally speak with?

How frequently do you browse your email?

Do you think composing email has reinforced or debilitated individuals' composing abilities?

What are a few drawbacks of email?


Portray a companion.

How long have you known one another?

What do as a rule do together?

What do you like the most about him/her?

How frequently do you see one another?

About the Author

Hi I am Srijah from Delhi, India. I am a professional content writer currently freelancing. I provide insightful articles on competitive exam preparation and kids parenting. I have experience of nearly 2 years in these two niches.

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Author: Srijah Tanna

Srijah Tanna

Member since: Dec 16, 2020
Published articles: 23

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