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Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Sinus Pressure

Author: Smarth Kapoor
by Smarth Kapoor
Posted: May 21, 2021

Sinuses are air-filled spaces that are connected to your nasal passages. They help humidify the air you breathe in and produce mucus to trap the bacteria and other foreign particles.

A sinus infection occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses gets infected and inflamed.

Sinus pressure may be caused by the following factors:

  1. Environmental factors: Airborne pollutants like dust, pollen, etc. that may cause allergies.

  2. Other medical conditions: Complications due to cystic fibrosis, HIV, and other immune system related conditions.

  3. Deviated nasal septum: A deviated septum may block the sinus passages, causing or worsening the symptoms of sinusitis.

  4. Respiratory tract infections: Respiratory tract infections like common cold can block mucus drainage. These infections can be viral, bacterial or or fungal.

Effective ways to treat sinus pressure at home

The following home remedies may help relieve the symptoms you’re experiencing and are also recommended by physicians. Home remedies for sinusitis are a simple and a low-cost approach. They include:

  • Steam: Since dry air tends to increase sinus pressure and pain, taking steam can moisten the nasal passages and thin out the thickened mucus. You can even use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. You can also add a drop of two essential oils like eucalyptus oil (which opens the nose) or lavender oil (to calm you).

  • Saline Wash: You can buy a saline spray and use it for sinusitis as it contains salt which helps reduce sinus pressure and increase moisture in the nose.

  • Stay Hydrated: It is important to stay hydrated during any kind of illness. Warm soups and teas can provide relief to the symptoms. Dehydration can cause drying out of the sinus passages which can lead to an increase in the sinus pressure. You can take warm chamomile tea, green tea, a glass of warm water with honey and lemon, chicken noodle soup, etc. Steer clear of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages which can cause dehydration.

  • Garlic: Garlic is believed to have both antifungal and antibacterial properties which can be useful in treating cold and congestion. If raw garlic doesn’t suit your taste buds, you can try sauteing the garlic with certain vegetables or pasta.

You can even add a few cloves of garlic to your hot water and take steam.

  • Elevate your head: How you sleep is essential in alleviating sinus symptoms. Put an extra pillow or two under your head as it will help drain your sinuses. Lying flat can increase mucus build-up, increase your sinus pressure and disrupt the sleep cycle. Propping your head with pillows will also help you breathe better.

  • Exercise: Any type of physical activity can help increase blood circulation and relieve congestion temporarily to help you breathe better. It can also speed up the pace of your recovery.

Pressure Points For Sinus Pressure Relief

Although more research is needed on using acupressure to treat sinus, it can improve blood circulation, relax your muscles and help in the drainage of mucus from the sinuses.

You can do acupressure for sinus symptoms by yourself at home by using a mirror to find the points on your face. You’ll need to apply firm but gentle pressure on the points for 3 minutes each. You can use your fingers to do this. While applying pressure, you can rotate or rub your fingers in a circular motion over the point.

Some pressure points for sinus relief are:

  • LI20 (Large Intestine 20): These points are on the face, on both sides of the base of the nose. Find the area where your nose joins your cheek and place one finger over either side of your nose and apply pressure.

  • BL2 (Bladder 2): These points are between the bridge of your nose and the inner side of your upper eyelid.

  • Yintang: This point is also called the third eye point as it is located between the eyebrows. This helps to relieve a stuffy/runny nose and a sinus headache.

  • SI18 (Small Intestine 18): These points are on both sides of your nose, just below the cheekbones. They help to soothe the swollen sinuses and runny nose.

  • GB20 (Gallbladder 20): These points are located in the grooves at the backside of your head where your neck muscles attach to your head. These help to soothe watery eyes, headache, cold and flu symptoms.

  • LI4 (Large Intestine 4): These points are on the back of your hands where your thumb connects to your hand. It is the muscle between your index finger and thumb that bulges out.

When should you contact an ENT doctor for sinusitis pressure or pain?

Home remedies and acupressure may not always help provide relief to your symptoms, you may require treatment if your symptoms persist or worsen after a week or two.

Contact your healthcare practitioner if you experience the following symptoms:

  • High fever

  • Swelling around the eyes

  • Red and inflamed skin

  • Wheezing

  • One-sided nose bleeds

  • Persistent facial or tooth pain

You will know the home remedies are working if you feel relief after 1-2 weeks of following them. If your symptoms persist or worsen even after following the home remedies religiously, contact your healthcare practitioner immediately for a consultation.


  1. How to prevent sinusitis?

  • Wash your hands frequently

  • Avoid cigarette smoke and polluted air

  • Use a humidifier

  • Take steam

  • Minimise contact with people who have cold

  1. Do teeth problems influence sinusitis?

Problems in your teeth can cause infection in the bone which is in contact with the sinuses above the teeth. This can lead to one-sided chronic sinusitis.

  1. What are the complications of not treating sinusitis?

You will experience unnecessary pain if you leave your sinusitis untreated. It may also result in meningitis or brain abscess and infection of the bone and bone marrow, however, this is rare.

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Healthcare Buddy "Stay Fit, Stay Heathy"

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Author: Smarth Kapoor

Smarth Kapoor

Member since: May 14, 2021
Published articles: 8

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