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Podcast Services UK - Best Podcast Editing Service - Podknows Podcasting

Author: Matt Paul
by Matt Paul
Posted: May 27, 2021

Join our branded podcasts network to enjoy additional benefits such as advanced level editing, higher production value and further marketing assistance and consultancy.

So many profit-centric podcasts start out right up against it, because they fail to use a professional podcast producer. As a podcast production and consultancy business, I pride myself in being very transparent about what I offer, and what it’ll cost. My pricing is very clear. But of course, if you don’t know what my offerings are, how can you appreciate the value?

This is why it’s equally important that I educate you, because if you don’t know what podcast production is, how on earth can you make an informed choice to work with a podcast producer, whether it’s myself or somebody else? Of course, many will look at the prices and say "whoa, spend that much on producing a podcast? No thanks. I can do it myself for next to nothing!"

What they don’t realise is that by starting out sounding amateurish and low quality, they’re already diminishing their chances of success, right from the beginning.

I’m not going to lie to you, your podcast will probably ‘podfade’. Disillusionment is a real danger within the first six episodes. Do the research before you start podcasting. Don’t go in blindly, fully expecting the success to just ‘come’. It doesn’t. Podcasts don’t become a huge hit overnight, and certainly not without some level of effort from the producer.I tell all my clients the same thing. The difference between your podcast’s success and failure is the first seven seconds. That’s how quickly it can all go south, if you don’t know what you’re doing.

We need your listener loving what they’re hearing. If they’re not, you might lose them forever. It’s unusual for a podcast listener to ever revisit a show they weren’t blown away by, because they have so much choice. This means the odds are against you from the beginning. But if you win, the rewards are unrivalled by any other form of content marketing.

The processes involved in podcasting can be quite complex, and unless you know what you’re facing right from the beginning, it can all seem quite daunting! A lot of people I speak to don’t realise that podcasts aren’t directly uploaded to apps like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts, for instance. And they’ve never even so much as heard of a podcasting host or producer that can manage your RSS feed for you (like my Podknows Podcasting Network ‘Lite’ and ‘Pro’ plans do).

If you’ve come to this page, it’s probably because you’ve searched for, "what do podcast producers do?" Or maybe even, "what is a podcast producer?"

It’s understandable. Like with anything in life, unless you have knowledge of the space, there will be a lot of things that are foreign to you.

My aim is to take you through the process of podcast production now, as simplistically as possible, so that you can be fully aware of what the podcast producer is, what a podcast producer’s responsibilities are, and why – at least initially – you’ll probably need one if you’re going to get started with your podcast marketing plan at the right pace.

My hope is that by the end of this, not only will you have more of an idea of what podcast production is, but you’ll fully appreciate how hiring a professional will quickly more than pay for itself several times over.

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Author: Matt Paul

Matt Paul

Member since: Apr 07, 2021
Published articles: 2

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