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10 Tips for Teachers to Improve Hybrid Learning in Smart Schools

Author: Punit Singh
by Punit Singh
Posted: May 30, 2021

A classroom is no longer a studying place; it‘s a learning environment where both offline and online learning students come together to learn under various configurations. Recently, teachers have risen to the challenge and completely redefined the traditional classroom experience. Let us discuss some tips for teachers to improve hybrid learning in schools in smart schools.

#1 Use an Interactive Board

Over the decades, teachers have learnt to use projectors, dry-erase boards and several other technologies. Now, they are replicating all the models to enable distance learning and hybrid learning in schools. Using an interactive board will better the learning experience during digital classes.

#2 Use wireless technology to put up lessons on Interactive Panels

Interactive panels can be used to share lesson plans directly by connecting with teachers’ laptops over Wi-Fi. This will remove distractions and reduce set-up time which can be utilised in learning activities.

#3 Use Annotation Functions for an Interactive Smart Class

Use annotation functions to write notes on the board, present digital images, presentations and videos. You can use it to explain the figures and diagrams and inviting students to solve a puzzle on the board.

#4 Incorporate More Videos in Your Classes

The teachers should incorporate video resources from the web to illustrate their points succinctly. This will help you engage the students better. They will retain the information for a more extended period.

#5 Use Free Online Resources Advantageously

The teachers can make the best use of tons of online sites with free and knowledgeable resources. They can incorporate various lessons as per the grade and course curriculum.

#6 Email handwritten annotations and notes to the students

Earlier, in their heydays, chalkboards made it necessary for students to take notes quickly before the teacher erased them. But now, the teachers should support them by mailing the annotations and notes used while teaching in the smart class.

#7 Get Proper Training

Investing in Learning Management Systems is futile if you don’t train your teachers well. We’re sure you don’t want tech devices lying around unused in some corner of your school. Train the teachers to use them effectively to make the classes interactive and exciting.

#8 Scrutinise the tech devices you install in the school

The safety of the school is paramount. Therefore, you should constantly scrutinise the IT services and tech devices you install in your school for enabling hybrid learning. Prevent the breach of any sensitive content at any cost. Beware of the fraudsters.

#9 Take Attendance Online

Attendance is a labour-intensive task, puts a drain on the teacher’s energy, and takes away too much time from learning. Therefore, use the interactive panels in the hybrid classrooms where the attendance feature allows students to mark their attendance just by clicking from their phones or laptops from their homes or classrooms.

#10 Transfer classroom data directly to the local network

Teachers need to report and enter attendance, data and several other things in the school records. This task is highly time-consuming and prone to human error. The teachers can connect the local network to the interactive display so that they can transfer classroom data directly to the local network. This will make an easy way for administrative review.

We sincerely hope you liked our top ten tips to add value to your hybrid classes by leveraging education technology in the best possible manner. We hope you enable your teachers to integrate technology in smart classes smoothly for better learning experiences through the Learning Management Systems.
About the Author

With Lead School’s Integrated Learning Systems, schools can deliver uninterrupted quality learning where learning can happen via online, offline, or hybrid modes.

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Author: Punit Singh

Punit Singh

Member since: Dec 10, 2020
Published articles: 15

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