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Why You Should Install Hardwood Flooring for Your Home? 5 Reasons

Author: Bruno Oliveira
by Bruno Oliveira
Posted: Jun 18, 2021

Are you looking for a better flooring option for your home? Perhaps you have been scouring the web to discover something that fits your lifestyle. Whether you are constructing a new house or renovating an existing one, hardwood flooring in Olathe KS is certainly a reliable choice. It offers great benefits to homeowners, in terms of the appearance and functionality. Here are some of the incredible benefits you should know:

Great Durability:

A high quality hardwood can last for many years. Its durability is praiseworthy, as it won’t get damaged easily. Other flooring options, such as tiles, can peel or crack with heavy usage. However, hardwood will continue to remain strong. And with hardwood floor refinishing in Olathe KS, it would look as good as new for years.

Better Indoor Air Quality:

Yes, you read that right! Hardwood flooring wont trap common dirt and dust particles, mites, and other harmful contaminants that get released in the air. Plus, hardwood floors are a lot easier to clean, compared to other types of flooring. The air will be cleaner and safer for everyone in your house, especially for those with allergies.

Easy to Maintain:

If you spill juice on a carpet, you’ll see stains on it right away! It’s often not easy to clean them and you’d need a myriad of cleaning products for floor maintenance. On the bright side, hardwood flooring is relatively simple to clean and maintain. Just a quick wipe or mop would suffice to keep it neat and tidy. With simple maintenance and hardwood floor refinishing in Olathe KS, you can keep it in top shape.

Increases the Value of Your House:

Several people love hardwood flooring since it is of great quality and requires less maintenance. As a result, it increases the value of your property in the market. Carpet flooring usually discourages potential homebuyers, as they are aware of all the intense work required to maintain it properly. However, hardwood flooring will undoubtedly make an impression.


Popular flooring options including vinyl are non-biodegradable. Furthermore, a majority of carpets are made of synthetic fibers, which increases your carbon footprint.

Hardwood flooring are great for those aiming to embrace a sustainable lifestyle. Several people are under the impression that hardwood floors contribute to deforestation. The truth is the opposite. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that the annual net growth of hardwood trees is twice the amount of annual tree removals. So, every time a tree is removed for hardwood flooring, newer ones will be planted. If you remove the flooring, hardwood decomposes safely rather than being piled up in a landfill.

Using hardwood flooring in your house is indeed a wise decision. Get in touch with an expert for reliable hardwood floor installation in Olathe KS today.

The author is working in a recognized company offering quality hardwood floor installation in Olathe KS and repairs at competitive rates. He often writes articles on home remodeling for various online publications. To know more, visit

About the Author

With over 21 years of experience, Express Hardwood Floors has been installing floors, and offering refinishing, and repair services at an affordable fee structure.

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Author: Bruno Oliveira

Bruno Oliveira

Member since: May 06, 2020
Published articles: 27

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