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Introduction to the Vedic Nakshatras

Author: Aisha Singh
by Aisha Singh
Posted: Jul 09, 2021

Vedic astrology is completely based on the planets and the constellations. In ancient times, when the sages observed the sky, they identified the different groups of constellations as Nakshatras. They divided it into 27 identical groups and named everyone according to their shape.

The Vedic way of time study is based on the Nakshatras and these depends on the movement of the Moon and the Sun. In the solar system, all the planets revolve around the Sun in their orbit. Referencing the earth, our entire universe is considered to spread in the angle of 360??°. The 12 equal parts of the space i.e 300 each is said to be the space of the identical zodiac signs. Similarly, by dividing 27 Nakshatras in the 360??° space, leaves the 13.33 ° of space for the individual Nakshatras. On this basis, there are about 2 to 3 Nakshatras in each zodiac signs.

The moon completes a round of the earth in 27 to 28 days. The path which the Moon follows while rotating passes through the different group of constellations. This conjunction of the moon and the constellations decides the Nakshatras. The traditional Indian months have been named after these Nakshatras. At the time of birth of any person, the constellation in which the Moon will be or the constellation through which the moon is passing is considered to be his Nakshatra. These 27 Nakshatras are divided into the three major parts.

  1. Auspicious Nakshatra – Auspicious Nakshatras are those in which the probability of the work done being successful is the maximum. It consists of 15 Nakshatras; Rohini, Ashwin, Mrigashira, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Revathi, Shravan, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada, Uttarashadha, Uttaraphalguni, Ghanishta and Punavasu.
  2. Madhyam Nakshatra – It contains those in which the probability of being successful is mixed. It includes Purvafalguni, Purvashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Visakha, Jyestha, Ardra, Moola, Shatabhisa.
  3. Inauspicious Nakshatra – These are the Nakshatras in which Auspicious work should not be done as the probability of being successful is said to be the least during these Nakshatras. It includes Bharani, Kritika, Magha, Ashlesha.

When the Moon is in the Aquarius and Pisces zodiac, the five nakshatras from Ghnishta to Revathi are called the Panchak. Auspicious actions are avoided in this time, even the funeral rites are prohibited in the Panchak period. Gandmool dosha is considered very inauspicious in astrology. Those born during the Ashwin...

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Author: Aisha Singh

Aisha Singh

Member since: Jul 06, 2021
Published articles: 1

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