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How to make trade show booth stand out

Author: Liam Neeson
by Liam Neeson
Posted: Aug 06, 2021

Trade shows are one of the best ROI marketing channels that help organisations connect with prospective customers. Trade shows also provide a chance to network with similar organisations or know more about your competitors.

Organising your booth in a trade show to attract visitors and have more walk-ins is a challenge. Your choice of design must reflect the aesthetics of your brand and overall reflect the message you wanted to convey.

Utilise the quality time a prospective customer spends in the trade show to introduce your products. Here are some ideas to make your trade show booth stand out and attract more prospective customers.

Importance of Lighting

Lighting is one component that helps your booth at the trade show for attracting more visitors. The lighting must reflect your company’s brand and increase the visibility of your products.

Incorporating backlighting in your booth makes it more visible from long distances. Backlighting illuminates your chosen image or materials from within or behind the booth. LED lighting offers more options to brighten your booth.

Spotlights, Strobe lights and Gobo lights, Hanging lights, Accent lighting, and Ambient Lighting are some lighting options you can choose. Strobe lights and Gobo lights help to create visual effects to project your company’s logo or name or slogan on the booth floor or the wall. Ambient lighting adds dimension to your display and helps to set the ambiance of your choice.

Choosing three colours and design

Using bright colours or highly contrasting colours for designs helps to highlight display elements and your organisation’s message effectively. Choosing very few colours or too many colours may not impress your prospective customers at the trade show.

Choosing three colours for your display in the combination 60% - 30% -10% must be the rule of thumb to follow for better effects. Choose the primary colour for 60% of the allocated space, secondary colour for 30% space, and an accent colour for 10% of the remaining space.

Choose aesthetic colours of your brand and not the colours of the trade show. While choosing colours, it is good to consider the age, gender, and culture of your visitors.

Selecting your giveaway prizes

Select the best giveaway prizes for your visitors who can probably turn to be your prospective customers. Instead of choosing the cheapest item as a giveaway, choose something of high quality that will be of use.

Your giveaway prizes must promote your brand and your products. They must perfectly reflect your organisation’s beliefs and position in the market.

Interactive product demonstration

Having interactive product demos in the trade show will help to impress your visitors and let them know more about your brand and your products. Ensure all interactive demos reflect your brand to achieve your product goals.

Demos at your booth must help you win competitors who have set their booths in the trade show. Getting your visitors engaged with your interactive display is the first step to success.

Introducing activities, games, and displays with interactive touch screens can help to build a rapport with your visitors. Remember to reward your visitors for the time spent at your booth.

Virtual presence in social media platforms

In this digitised world, integrating your presence in the trade show and social media increases the impact of your brand and the products.

Start using social media platforms announcing your presence in the trade show much before it starts. Run teaser videos and inform viewers about your part in the trade show and how your brand and products will bring a change in their lives.

Keep posting updates on social media platforms about important events your organisation will take part in the trade show. It also helps your organisation to follow up with your prospective customers who visited your booth after the trade show.

Conducting surveys

Getting your visitors involved in surveys at the booth will help you know how people consider your brand and products. It will also serve as an eye-opener to know their likes and dislikes of your products.

A survey may help to test the knowledge of customers about your products and what changes they want in your products. The data generated from surveys can help to improve your products and even introduce changes in your marketing plan and your approach to reach prospective customers.

Compiling email list

Getting ready with the email list of your participants in the trade show will help you plan better. Based on the response you receive from those willing, participants will tell your target audience.

With the list of your target audience, your organisation can set a booth and display that will impress your visitors.

With a registration counter in your booth, it is easy to get the list of visitors. Or else you can ask them to leave their names and email for your reference.

Investing in display solutions

Organisations taking part in trade shows introduce their latest products to prospective customers and their existing customers.

Using your latest products to build a creative display near the entrance or inside the booth may impress your visitors at once. Installing a brochure stand in your booth will help you communicate with every visitor who walks past your booth.

Digital signage displays with a commercial advertising video or text or images may engage your prospective customers and others alike. Technology can help you be the best with smart digital signage displays.


Trade shows help organisations to exhibit information about their brands and their latest products in the market.

Your booth at the trade show will help you increase brand awareness among common people, build a new relationship with prospective customers and keep the existing customers. It also helps to increase leads and sales at the same time to benefit the organisation in the long run.

About the Author

Liam is a blogger and marketing specialist dedicated to marketing communications in the digital age. He enjoys traveling the world and meeting new people!

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Author: Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson

Member since: Aug 02, 2021
Published articles: 6

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