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Sustainable Solar Energy Solutions, Commercial Solar Solutions |?Solar Panel Charging Station | SO

Author: Mason Taylor
by Mason Taylor
Posted: Aug 29, 2021

SO Collective - sustainable solar energy solutions & commercial solar solutions. Unique patented, sustainable, solar, renewable, artistic design, solar panel charging station with IoT capabilities that provides a service to your community while beautifying.

Welcome to the SO Collective, a unique initiative combining art and sustainability for a greater future. The goal is simple; to create highly functional, uniquely transformative, and beautifully designed sustainable and solar solutions that bring communities together for the good of mankind.

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Our Perennial and Powerleaf patented creations harness the natural and limitless energy of the sun to create awe-inspiring, powerful pieces of art. Pieces of art that serve a deeper purpose in your life and the lives of those around you.

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We’ve worked tirelessly and meticulously to create unique, fully customizable solar solutions with a distinctive artistic flair and powerful capabilities, and want to share our creations with you to help change the world.

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emPOWER the world with SO Collective.

The Perennial is the embodiment of the SO Collective’s ethos, and is an ambitious artistic endeavor to promote aspects of humanity that are too often overlooked.

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Environmental awareness, social infrastructure, and human connectivity are vital for the survival of the human race, and we’ve managed to wrap each of these up in a commercial solar solution with a customizable artistic distinction.

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Designed to stand tall as a symbol of human solidarity working towards a common cause of providing wellness to the world, each individual purchase makes you an active participant in our journey. Our quest. Our purpose and ambition of engaging in a meaningful way with communities to enact positive change for the future. All while looking sublime and making a bold aesthetic statement in the process.

An Artistic, Social-Environmental Endeavor for Commercial Solar Solutions

The Perennial. An idea for the soul and from the soul.

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We’ve repurposed discarded plastics that have either been recovered from the ocean or plastics that have been recycled to create The Perennial. The manifestation of the design is a hopeful attempt to serve humanity by delivering sustainable art for beauty and awareness, and deliver evergreen solar power for years to come in a completely off the grid fashion.

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It is a digital scenography sculpture that innovates in new ways. It creates a total work of art incorporating technology and crafted through a painstaking process, combining years of experience and expertise to deliver a significant cultural impact.

The Perennial is not just a solar panel charging station, sculpture, or piece of standalone art, it’s a vital cog in society. It will redefine social infrastructures thanks to its use within pedestrian repose, and it will revitalize communities to work towards a common goal.

A common goal of sustainability and the use of solar energy as opposed to harmful alternatives. A common goal future generations can live by.

Customizable Solar Panel Art to Change the World

The Perennial can also be fully customized using a pantone color palette. This means choosing between any color you like for any and all elements within the structure.

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We allow for the ability to mix and match color combinations and styles from the body to the lids, top leaf and gobo, as well as the solar panel base itself. You can also customize the pod base with any color, design, or messaging you wish. This gives you the opportunity to fully represent you or your community with whatever it is that’s important to you, your home, landscape, or business.

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The lids also allow for cross ventilation and protection from the sun. They operate using an on-friction hinge that stays open until closed for a high level of functionality as well as an alluring aesthetic.

The Perennial is…
  • Versatile – An off the grid, standalone solar panel sculpture which offers multiple benefits to the consumer and wider community.

  • Conscientious – Designed to be gentle and enrich wellbeing, painstaking work has gone into making The Perennial a conscientious project that is sustainable, embracing and utilizing of limitless, free, natural power.

  • Sustainable – Using repurposed, discarded plastics that have either been recovered from the ocean or plastics that have been recycled to create The Perennial, the design of the structure makes the social impact of The Perennial even more immense. It’s not only an aid for the planet, but can help participants earn credits in BREEAM & LEED projects, too.

  • Aesthetically Beautiful – Look at it and marvel at the beauty and unique design work that has gone into every detail of the sculpture. This is a piece of art that serves a vital purpose and looks incredible.

  • Simply Assembled – No heavy, costly construction elements or infrastructure is needed, and no complex and expensive wiring is required. You can even monitor The Perennial remotely for optimum performance and ultimate control.

  • Easy to Maintain – The RGB LED Smart lighting means long lasting, cost effective, and energy saving within an all-weather, robust technology. You can also control evening ambiance and maintenance costs are minimal, if any.

  • Strong – With a 170mph wind load, The Perennial solar panel structure is unique in more ways than one. It’s simple to construct yet can withstand massive pressure, all while serving a distinct purpose of providing sustainable, limitless energy from the oldest resource in our galaxy – The Sun.

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Author: Mason Taylor

Mason Taylor

Member since: Aug 25, 2021
Published articles: 3

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